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SED 538 Curricula for Young Children

This course focuses on the planning and implementation of developmentally effective approaches to teaching and learning in grades pre-K through 2, in alignment with standards for educational programs that have been issued by state and national professional organizations. Teacher candidates will design meaningful and challenging curricula that are informed by knowledge of child growth and development and that integrate all content areas, including language and literacy, mathematics, science, social studies and the arts. A continuum of teaching strategies that take into account children?s interests and individual, developmental, and cultural differences will be studied. Candidates will examine evidence-based strategies for individualizing instruction for children with exceptional learning needs. The importance of communication and collaboration with families and other professionals will be stressed. Candidates will develop plans for respectful and supportive learning environments designed to promote the growth and development of children in all domains. Procedures for authentic, performance-based and formal, standardized assessment, as well as diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation related to areas addressed in the course, will be an additional focus. A 10-hour field experience is required. Prerequisite or co-requisite: ECE 530; fingerprint clearance. (3 credits)
