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Accelerated B.A./M.A. Program in English

Program Overview:

Exceptional students who meet the admissions requirements for our accelerated program in English may complete both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degree in five years.  This involves intensive academic work, so before choosing this program students should consider the advantages of completing two degrees within a concentrated period in the context of their desire to take part in extracurricular activities during their college years.

Program Contacts:

Program Requirements:

Once accepted into this program, students must complete the following, maintaining a B (3.0) average:

•All undergraduate English major requirements: 48 credits

•All undergraduate Liberal Education requirements: 38 credits
(This number of liberal education credits assumes that two of the liberal education requirements are met through English major courses.)

•Additional undergraduate elective courses: 15 credits

Total undergraduate credits: 101

•All graduate English requirements: 36 credits

Generally, students complete their undergraduate credits in their first three years and then complete their graduate requirements in their final two years. Both degrees, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts, are awarded at the end of the fifth year, if all requirements have been met.

See B.A. in EnglishM.A. in English for fuller details on the undergraduate and graduate programs in English.

Professional Accreditation:


Program Specific Admission Requirements:

To be accepted into this program, the following academic record is needed:

•SAT verbal score: 600 or higher
•Total SAT score: 1200 or higher
•Overall high school average: 90 or higher
•English average in high school: 93 or higher

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

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