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ART 525 Advanced Methods Teaching Art

This is a seminar course that students must take while they are student teaching. Part of each session will be used for the students to exchange ideas, share problems, and discuss their teaching experiences. The rest of the class will be devoted to edTPA task preparation; discussion of assigned readings and student generated research material; and interaction with visiting lecturers to the class. Content areas include career counseling; professional, ethical and legal issues associated with teaching; home/school/community interaction; classroom management; inclusion of special needs students; showcase exhibits of lesson materials that deepen teaching of artmaking, art criticism, art history/culture, aesthetics, and assessment; as well as presentations of research done in the art classroom while student teaching to improve the teaching of students will special learning needs. Exit requirements include the submission of the edTPA, a professional teaching portfolio reflecting the student's best work in both student teaching placements; a final self-assessment; and philosophy of art education informed by continued practice in art education. Prerequisites: ART 524. Materials fee. Fall, Spring
