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Nursing - BS

Program Overview:

Grounded in the distinctive and diverse liberal arts course offered at the College, the 1+2+1 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, in accordance with the mission of The College of Saint Rose, prepares the graduate to pursue professional excellence and advocate for social justice in the provision of safe, quality nursing care. The College of Saint Rose nursing graduate is prepared with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve as a partner in the advancement of health care and through leadership, affect the determinants of holistic health for every individual and population.


  • To provide students with exceptional, innovative learning opportunities in the liberal arts and nursing.
  • To prepare safe, knowledgeable, caring graduates capable of serving individuals, families, and local, national, and global communities through safe, quality, person-centered, culturally sensitive, evidence-based, holistic nursing care.
  • To develop nurses who lead with integrity, are knowledgeable in nursing science, adept in research, comfortable with technology, and confidently prepared for the challenge of working within a changing healthcare environment.
  • To instill in students a passion for life-long learning.


PROGRESSION CRITERIA AND ACADEMIC STANDING (full policy can be found in the Nursing Student Handbook)

  • Students will enter the Nursing Program and take The College of Saint Rose's core coursework for liberal arts along with beginning nursing courses.
  • Per The College of Saint Rose's policy, the minimum of a 'C' is required for the core coursework in all college courses, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have earned a grade of B- (80%) or better for all nursing courses.

Years Two and Three:

  • Students will need to be academically qualified to progress to either Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing or Saint Peter's Hospital College of Nursing, for year two of the curriculum, the same criteria for advancement to the Schools of Nursing apply  (A grade of 'C' in supporting courses, 'B-' in Nursing courses at Saint Rose and 'B' at the Schools of Nursing and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5). Members from both The College of Saint Rose Department of Nursing, Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing and St. Peter's Hospital College of Nursing and members of the Admission and Progression Committee will meet to approve all students entering the second year of the program.
  • Students will be taking nursing courses and support courses at The College of Saint Rose and nursing courses and either Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing or St. Peter's Hospital College of Nursing minimum of a grade of 80% or better will be required in the nursing courses.
  • During years two and three at either Samaritan Hospital of Nursing or St. Peter's Hospital College of Nursing students are required to earn a minimum of a ('B-' or a 'B' at the Schools of Nursing) in all nursing courses, a 'C' in cognate courses and obtain an overall cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher to graduate with an Associate's Degree in Nursing. Upon graduation from either Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing or St. Peter's Hospital College of Nursing, students will be eligible to sit for the NCLEX RN.

Year Four:

  • To progress to year four at The College of Saint Rose, students will have earned an Associate Degree in nursing from either SHSON or SPHCON and have successfully passed the NCLEX RN licensure to be registered for Nursing courses in the fourth year. To graduate from The College of Saint Rose with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (BSN), students are required to have a minimum of 80% ('B-') in all nursing courses and a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Students must complete the fourth year of study at The College of Saint Rose to earn the BSN. Nursing courses will not transfer to other Schools of Nursing for Completion.

Program Contacts:

Cassandra R. Marshall, DNP, RN

Chair, Nursing Department


Program Website:

Program Requirements:

BIO 199Human Anatomy & Physio I


BIO 199LHuman Anatomy & Physio I Lab


BIO 200Human Anatomy & Physio II


BIO 200LHuman Anatomy & Physio II Lab


BIO 270Microbiology for Health Sci


BIO 270LMicrobio for Health Sci Lab


CHM 170Chemistry for Health Sci


NSG 100Care and Caring


NSG 110Foundations of Prof Nursing


NSG 211Pharmacology


NSG 291Health Promotion & Wellness


NSG 292Health Maint, Restor & Support


NSG 300Transformational Nursing Ldrshp & Mgmt


NSG 311Evidence-Based Practice


NSG 320Transcultural Nursing


NSG 322Community & Pub Hlth Nursing


NSG 385Psych & Mental Health Nursing


NSG 394Cmplx Main,Res&Sup:Wm&Ch


NSG 395Coordinating & Improving Care


NSG 485Transition to Prof Practice


NSG XXXNursing Elective


PSY 210Lifespan Developmental PSY


SOC 288Social Statistics


CSC 111Intro Computer Science


MAT 180College Algebra


PHI 102Ethics and Values


PSY 101General Psychology


Internship/Field Experiences/Service:

There is in excess of 850 hours of varied clinical experiences.

Culminating Academic Experiences:

NSG 485Transition to Prof Practice


Suggested 4 Year Plan:

This suggested plan is designed to give students an idea of how to balance their coursework over 8 semesters and to graduate within 4 years. Most students will need to take a minimum of 30 credits each year in order to meet the graduation requirement of a minimum of 120 overall credits. It should be used along with your Degree Works worksheet and in consultation with your faculty advisor. It is meant as a guide, not a definitive list of courses that must be taken as written. Your faculty advisor will help you make any necessary adjustments during advisement.


Term: Fall 1

Term: Spring 1

Course Number & Title


Course Number & Title


BIO 199/L Human Anatomy & Physio I (C5)


BIO 200/L Human Anatomy & Physio II


ENG 105 Exp Wrtg, Oral Com (C1)


PSY 210 Dev Psychology


PSY 101 General Psychology (C8.1)


CHM 170 Chemistry for Health Sciences


PHI 102 Ethics and Values (C4)


MAT 180 College Algebra (C6)


NSG 100 Care and Caring


NSG 110 Foundations of Prof Nursing


Term credit total:


Term credit total:


Term: Fall 2

Term: Spring 2

Course Number & Title


Course Number & Title


NSG 291 Health Promotion and Wellness


NSG 292 Health Maint, Restor & Support


BIO 270 Microbiology Health Sci


PED 172 Healthcare Wellness, Liberal Arts Elective or Nursing Elective


NSG 211 Pharmacology    3 CSC 111 Intro Computer Science (C7)     3
LAS Core (C9)




Term credit total:


Term credit total:


Term: Fall 3

Term: Spring 3

Course Number & Title


Course Number & Title


NSG 394 Complex Maint, Rest & Support: Women & Child Health Issues


NSG 395 Coordinating & Improving Care


NSG 385 Psych & Mental Health Nursing


NSG 311 Evidence-Based Practice


SOC 288 Social Statistics


Liberal Arts Elective


LAS Core (C2)




Term credit total:


Term credit total:


Term: Fall 4

Term: Spring 4

Course Number & Title


Course Number & Title


NSG 300 Nursing Leadership


Liberal Arts Electives


NSG 322 Community Nursing


Nursing elective


LAS Core (C3)


NSG 485 Senior Nursing Practicum


Liberal Arts Elective    5  LAS Core (C8.2)   3

Term credit total:


Term credit total:



Professional Accreditations:

Career Opportunities and Graduate Study:

Additional Requirements for Admission to the Nursing Program:

  • Minimum cumulative high school GPA of 82%
  • Earned at least a 75% in high school Biology with a lab, Chemistry with a lab, Algebra
  • Two Letters of Recommendation: Please have your guidance counselor submit a letter. The second letter of recommendation is required and may be written by a teacher, coach, employer, volunteer coordinator or another professional who can discuss your qualifications for admission. The letter may not be written by a relative.
  • An in-person or virtual interview
  • A nursing essay (see guidelines and rubric below)


  • Write from your own perspective.
  • Discuss where you see yourself working as a professional nurse (it’s okay if you are unsure, just write about what you might be interested in)
  • Give examples from your life.
  • Be honest with your answers.




Writing is excellent(2 points)

Writing is acceptable (1 point)

Writing is poor (0 points)

Mechanics: Spelling, Punctuation, Syntax, Grammar

Contains no more than one minor problem with sentence structure, standard usage including agreement of tense and case, or error in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Mechanics enhance meaning.

Occasional problems with sentence structure, standard usage including agreement of tense and case, occasional errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Errors do not distract from the overall readability and meaning of the essay.

Multiple problems with sentence structure, lapses in agreement of tense and case, multiple errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Multiple errors interfere with overall readability and meaning of the essay.


The essay maintains a clear, specific focus. The essay is unified and coherent.

Focus somewhat unclear or off-topic. Somewhat meandering.

Meanders or is off-topic. Focus unclear.


Writer uses intentional and effective language choices that make the writer's voice personal and honest. It gives a clear picture of the writer.

Writer uses somewhat clichéd or unclear language choices that make the writer's voice generic or stereotypical. It may not further the essay's purpose due to blandness. It gives somewhat of a picture of the writer.

Writer uses basic, clichéd or very unclear language choices that give no voice at all. It gives no picture of the writer.


Writer comes across appropriately to the essay's target audience. Essay uses appropriate tone and details to present writer as an ideal

candidate for admission.

Writer comes across inconsistently to the essay's target audience. Essay's tone and/or details could cast the writer as an acceptable candidate for admission.

Writer's tone and/or details present the writer as an undesirable candidate for admission.