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Business Administration – BS

Program Overview:

Program Contacts:

Program Requirements:

Major Core Requirements

45 credits

Concentration Area

15 credits

The Saint Rose Core requirements

33 credits

Additional Liberal Arts & Sciences Electives*

27 credits

ACC 121Principles of Financial Acctg


ACC 122Principles of Managerial Acctg


BUS 111Fundamentals of Business


BUS 199Fund of Business Colloquium


BUS 210Business Communications


BUS 219Management Info Systems


BUS 233Business Law 1


BUS 246Organizational Behavior


BUS 253Principles of Marketing


BUS 280Business Statistics


BUS 293Prof Develop Program


BUS 301Financial Management


BUS 352Quantitative Business Analysis


BUS 425Integrated Global Business


BUS 494Internship


BUS 497Capstone Seminar


BUS 369Managerial Finance


BUS 486Investment I


BUS 487Global Topics in Finance


BUS 488Investment II


ACC 328Taxation



BUS 485Financial Modeling in Excel


ECO 206Principles of Microeconomics


MAT 180College Algebra


PHI 205Business Ethics


Business Administration majors must take these courses as part of their Additional Liberal Arts & Science Electives.

CSC 114Excel


ECO 205Principles of Macroeconomics


Internship/Field Experiences/Study Abroad/Service:

BUS 494Internship


Suggested 4 Year Course Plan:

This suggested plan is designed to give students an idea of how to balance their coursework over 8 semesters and to graduate within 4 years. Most students will need to take a minimum of 30 credits each year in order to meet the graduation requirement of a minimum of 120 overall credits.  It should be used along with your Degree Works worksheet and in consultation with your faculty advisor. It is meant as a guide, not a definitive list of courses that must be taken as written. Your faculty advisor will help you make any necessary adjustments during advisement.


Year 1 - Fall Year 1 - Spring
Course Credits Course Credits
BUS 111 Fundamentals of Business 3 BUS 210 Business Communcations 3
BUS 199 Fundamentals of Business Colloquium 1 BUS 219 Management Information Systems 3
CSC 114 Excel 3 The Core - Social Science Knowledge & Inquiry - ECO 206 Microeconomics 3
ECO 205 Macroeconomics 3 The Core - Mathematical Reasoning - MAT 180 College Algebra 3
The Core - Expository Writing, Speaking & Research 4 The Core - Historical Knowledge & Inquiry 3
The Core - Computational Logic & Reasoning 3
Total 17 Total 15
Year 2 - Fall Year 2 - Spring
Course Credits Course Credits
ACC 121 Financial Accounting 3 ACC 122 Managerial Accounting 3
BUS 280 Business Statistics 4 BUS 246 Organizational Behavior 3
BUS 293 Professional Development 1 BUS 253 Principles of Marketing 3
The Core - Social Science Knowledge & Inquiry 3 The Core - World Languages 3
The Core - Literary Studies 4 The Core - Philosophical & Religious Traditions - PHI205 3
Total 15 Total 15
Year 3 - Fall Year 3 - Spring
Course Credits Course Credits
BUS 301 Financial Management 3 BUS 352 Quantitative Business Analysis 3
BUS 233 Business Law 3 Concentration Course 3
Concentration Course 3 BUS 494 Internship 3
The Core - Scientific Inquiry 4 General Electve 3
General Electve 3 General Electve 3
Total 16 Total 15
Year 4 - Fall Year 4 - Spring
Course Credits Course Credits
BUS 425 Integrated Global Business 3 BUS 497 Capstone Seminar 3
Concentration Course 3 Concentration Course 3
General Electve 3 Concentration Course 3
General Electve 3 General Electve 3
General Electve 3
Total 15 Total 12

Accelerated Degree Option: Business Administration BS + MBA:

Students in this accelerated course of study will use the following course substitutions to complete the undergraduate and graduate degrees at an accelerated pace. Students may select a maximum of 15 credits to substitute in consultation with their faculty advisor. 


B.S. Business Administration/M.B.A. Accelerated Course of Study 


Course Substitutions (max 15 credits)

Undergraduate Course

Graduate Course

BUS 312

MBA 638

BUS 349

MBA 583

BUS 350

MBA 585

BUS 352

MBA 660

BUS 353

MBA 635

BUS 362

MBA 582

BUS 485

MBA 685

BUS 487

MBA 650

BUS 488

MBA 688

BUS 492

MBA 692

BUS Elective

MBA Core/Elective

BUS Elective

MBA Core/Elective

General Information on Accelerated Degree Options (Bachelor's + Master's):

  • Minimum high school GPA of 92
  • Combined SAT of 1100 (out of 1600) OR ACT of 24 
  • Letter of recommendation specifically for the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program from a high school teacher or counselor
  • 45 credits completed
  • GPA of 3.4 overall or at least a 3.4 GPA in the last 30 credits
  • Letter of recommendation from a faculty member from either Saint Rose or the institution from which the student transferred
  • 45 credits completed
  • Overall GPA of 3.4
  • Letter of recommendation from a Saint Rose faculty member
  • Overall GPA of 3.4 at the completion of 45 credits 
  • Overall GPA of 3.0 from the completion of 45 credits to completion of the undergraduate degree
  • Students can receive no more than one C in a graduate level course. An earned C must be retaken at the graduate level unless otherwise specified by the program.
  • Students cannot receive a failing grade in a graduate level course.

Specific course requirements for Accelerated programs with MBA (Transfer, Current and to Maintain Status):

  • A grade of B or higher in financial accounting
  • A grade of B or higher in managerial accounting

Losing Eligibility for an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option:


Students who do not maintain the standards outlined for their Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option will lose eligibility for this completion option. If these students are in otherwise good standing with the College, they can continue in their current undergraduate program or move to another undergraduate major. We propose that up to a maximum of 12 graduate credits taken up to that point and completed with a grade of C or higher may be applied to their undergraduate degree. These credits might be applied as either general elective credits or to fulfill a requirement within the undergraduate major, depending on the undergraduate major’s grade requirements. Major grade restrictions would still apply. The student would take the undergraduate courses specified in the course catalog to fulfill all remaining requirements. 


Discontinuing an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Options:


Students in good standing may choose to discontinue an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option or withdraw from a dual degree program.  These students may then move to another program offered by the college.  Up to a maximum of 12 graduate credits taken up to that point and completed with a grade of C or higher would be applied to their undergraduate degree.  The student would take the undergraduate courses specified in the course catalog to fulfill all remaining requirements. 


Opportunity to apply graduate credits to a future master’s degree at Saint Rose if no longer enrolled in Accelerated Program: 


Students who withdraw or are dismissed from the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option may apply to a Saint Rose Master’s Degree program after completion of the Bachelor’s Degree.  If accepted to a Saint Rose master’s degree program these students may transfer up to 12 graduate credits earned as part of their Saint Rose Bachelor’s Degree.  Specific courses must be approved for transfer by the faculty advisor, and Department Chair/Program Coordinator. Transfer credit is allowed only for courses in which students have received a grade of  “B” or better and within the six-year time limit allowed for completion of the Master’s Degree or Certificate of Advanced Study.  No more than half of a Certificate of Advanced Study or Master’s Degree can be fulfilled with credits that had been applied to a Saint Rose Bachelor’s Degree. 


Reinstatement in Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Options:


Students in good academic standing with the college but previously declared ineligible from their Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option can apply for reinstatement to the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option after retaking undergraduate courses that resulted in their change of eligibility and/or after earning an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.  Students who earned any graduate grade lower than a C or more than one C at the graduate level may not reapply for reinstatement into the Accelerated degree option. 




Students in this Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Course of Study will have two advisors while they are undergraduates.  A faculty member from the student’s undergraduate discipline will serve as the primary advisor while the student is an undergraduate.  A faculty member from the graduate program will serve as a secondary advisor.  After completing the Bachelor’s Degree the advisor from the graduate program will serve as the student’s sole advisor.  

Professional Accreditations:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

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