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Adolescence Education (Grades 7-12) - ADV CERT

Program Overview:

Program Contacts:

Program Requirements:

EDU 506Educational Foundations


EPY 502Survey of Educ Psychology


EPY 523Adolesc Psych & Devel


SIE 515Fnd&Pract Incl Stud w/Dis 7-12


SEC 514Literature Secondary Education


SEC 515Curr & Instr in Secondary Sch


SEC 518Literacy Improve: Second Schl


SEC 520Method Teach Eng. Sec. School


SEC 522Methods Teach Math Sec. School


SEC 523Methods Teach Science Sec Sch.


SEC 524Methods Teach Social Studies


EDU 602Violence Prevention


EDU 603Child Abuse Prevention


EDU 611Dignity For All Students


EPY 637Substance Abuse Workshop


SEC 580Stud Tchg:Sec Sch


SEC 585Stud Tchg Sem:Middle/Second Ed


  1. Satisfactory performance in course work;
  2. Satisfactory performance in student teaching; and
  3. Satisfactory performance in student teaching seminar.

  • General education requirement (30 credits): college-level study in the areas of English (6 credits including composition), social science (3 credits from economics, political science, history, sociology, geography, anthropology, psychology) mathematics (3 credits), science (3-4 credits which must include a lab), information retrieval/ educational technology (3 credits), artistic expression (3 credits), humanities (3 credits literature, philosophy, and religious studies, classics, history, languages, performing arts, music, cultural studies, communication), language other than English (3 credits which may include Sign Language), and 3 credits of further disciplinary study in one of the core areas.

  • Requirement for the major (36 credits): a major in a liberal arts or science area (e.g., Biology, English, Mathematics, or Social Studies).
  • Requirements for coursework aligned with Specialty Program Association (SPA) standards: Consult with your advisor. Existing coursework may satisfy deficiencies. Your advisor will consider evidence you present. Such evidence may include course descriptions, syllabi, and/or other course materials. All deficiencies noted must be satisfied in order to qualify for the College’s recommendation for certification.

Internship/Field Experience/Service:

SEC 515Curr & Instr in Secondary Sch


SEC 518Literacy Improve: Second Schl


SEC 520, 522-524Methods


SEC 580Stud Tchg:Sec Sch


Culminating Academic Experiences:

SEC 580Stud Tchg:Sec Sch


SEC 585Stud Tchg Sem:Middle/Second Ed


Grades 5-6 Extension (Optional):

The New York State Education Department offers an extension for grades 5-6 to the teaching certificate for Adolescence Education (grades 7-12). Extensions are not required as part of the Adolescence Education programs at The College of Saint Rose. The extension to teach in grades 5 and 6 is designed to enable students to create developmentally appropriate classroom contexts for learning in the content areas of their certification (Biology, English, Mathematics, or Social Studies). An extension will show that the certified adolescence teacher has added expertise in the area of the extension. Adolescence Education students who wish the College to recommend them to the New York State Education Department for the extension must complete all the requirements for their Adolescence Education program and the additional requirements listed below:

EPY 522Chld Psych & Dev


EDU 530Middle Sch Ed:Theory/Pract


ELE 585Methods:Lang Arts/Soc Stud


ELE 586Methods:Science/Math 1-6


TESOL Advanced Certificate (Optional):

Teaching English as a New Language - ADV CERT


Professional Accreditation:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

See Graduate Admissions section for more information.

The College of Saint Rose has long been committed to the premise that a quality education should be within the reach of qualified students. To this end, the College serves its student body through a comprehensive program of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. While the basic responsibility for financing education lies with the students and their families, scholarships, loans, and/or assistantships can supplement insufficient family resources. The amount of aid available through the College is limited and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. All financial assistance from the College is subject to adjustment if the recipients are later granted aid from other sources. Financial aid awards are contingent upon students’ maintaining good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress.

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