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School District Business Leader (SDBL) - ADV CERT

Program Overview:

The programs in Educational Leadership and Administration prepare students for careers in educational leadership in school building and school district environments at public, non-public, private, state and national agency levels. Educational leadership program options are available to meet a variety of student interests and career goals.  Programs include a Master of Science in Education (concentration in School Building Leadership or School District Business Leadership), and advanced certificates leading to New York State certification as a School Building Leader (SBL), School District Leader (SDL), or School District Business Leader (SDBL).  

The preparation programs combine school leadership theory with high engagement and relevant practice so program graduates are fully prepared to be successful school leaders. The combination of full-time faculty supported by adjunct field based faculty, ensures a student’s preparation is practical, and replicates the demanding expectations of school leadership.  In most cases, students will be required to be matriculated into a program prior to being able to register for classes. Students are expected to work closely with the assigned college adviser to ensure that the program of study and experience are both appropriate and meaningful for meeting individuals’ personal and professional goals.


The School District Business Leader (SDBL) advanced certificate program is a fully on-line format.  The program prepares students to assume school business and school financial district wide leadership roles including Business Administrator, Director of Finance or Business, or Assistant Superintendent for Finance or Business.


The program prepares students with a broad perspective on school leadership and improving student outcomes using resources efficiently and effectively. The on-line program is a combination of asynchronous (learn at your own rate and convenience) and synchronous learning (scheduled on-line live sessions).  Each cohort studies and progresses through coursework together.  Cohorts take two courses per semester and a single course during the summer session. An administrative internship in a school district business or financial office over one to two semesters is the capstone activity.  In meeting New York State internship requirements, the internship must include a minimum of 600 hours for this field based experience.  The program may assist students in locating a school district business office internship placement.  The 24 credit hour program leads to New York State certification as a School District Business Leader (SDBL) after meeting other state certification requirements.  

Program Contacts:

Dr. Deborah Shea

Graduate Coordinator of the Education Leadership and Administration programs


Program Webpage: 

Educational Leadership & Administration

Program Requirements:

Prior to certification by New York State, candidates will need a Master’s degree, and accumulate a minimum of 60 graduate hours (36 graduate plus the 24 graduate level hours in the SDBL program) and pass the NYSTCE SDBL Assessment.  Candidates will also need to document a minimum of three years of successful school or organizational leadership experience. 

EDA 506Intro to Ed Lead & Adm - SDBL


EDA 541Education Law for SDBL


EDA 543Personnel Administration


EDA 551SDBL School Finance


EDA 589SDBL Finance & Practice


EDA 591SDBL Sem:Crit Issues in SDB


Students in the in the School District Business Leader program must have completed a minimum of 12 credits at The College of Saint Rose before initiating the 600 hour internship. Fingerprinting clearance from the New York State Department of Education is also required prior to initiating the internship. Fingerprinting information is available on the NYSED “TEACH” website: .

EDA 596Sch Business Ldr Intern 1


EDA 597Sch Business Ldr Intern 2


EDU 602Violence Prevention


EDU 603Child Abuse Prevention


EDU 611Dignity For All Students


Professional Accreditation:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

See Graduate Admissions section for more information.

The College of Saint Rose has long been committed to the premise that a quality education should be within the reach of qualified students. To this end, the College serves its student body through a comprehensive program of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. While the basic responsibility for financing education lies with the students and their families, scholarships, loans, and/or assistantships can supplement insufficient family resources. The amount of aid available through the College is limited and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. All financial assistance from the College is subject to adjustment if the recipients are later granted aid from other sources. Financial aid awards are contingent upon students’ maintaining good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress.

Additional School District Business Leader Admission Information:

  1. Submission of the completed graduate studies application packet from The College of Saint Rose;

  2. Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended;

  3. Transcript review by program faculty for pre-requisite course work and experience (see below) for admission and/or for recommendation of certification upon program completion;

  4. Verification of permanent or professional certification status, (Upon program faculty review, persons who have taught in private or parochial school settings for three or more years and are not certified to teach may still be accepted for admission if all other requirements are met.);

  5. Verification of at least three years of approved teaching and/or administrative and/or pupil personnel experience in a school setting, (Exceptions to the three-year teaching requirement are made in special circumstances upon the recommendation of the educational leadership program faculty.);

  6. At least two letters of recommendation, one from a school administrator which must attest to the individual’s good character and potential as a SDBL administrator, and one from a professional who is qualified to evaluate the applicant’s scholarship. It is expected that the school administrator who acts as a reference for the applicant will be willing to mentor the applicant throughout the applicant’s administrative program at The College of Saint Rose; and

  1. Submission of the completed graduate studies application packet from The College of Saint Rose;

  2. Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended;

  3. Transcript review by program faculty for pre-requisite course work and experience (see below) for admission and/or for recommendation of certification upon program completion;

  4. Verification, as judged by the program faculty, of three years of exemplary, relevant prior service in a leadership position of a high performing organization in a non-teaching field;

  5. At least two letters of recommendation, one from their current organization’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or unit head, and one from their immediate supervisor; and

  • Accounting course work (must be met for admission);

  • Finance and business course work (must be met for admission);

  • Finance and business experience (experience must be documented for admission); and

  • Demonstrated knowledge through course work or experience of public education and educational issues  (may be demonstrated within admissions essay and interview).

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