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Special Education: Certification in Special Education - ADV CERT

Program Overview:

The objectives for the Special Education Programs have been developed within the context of goals set by the professional accrediting bodies including the Council for the Accreditation Educator Preparation (CAEP), Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC), Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and the professional organizations guiding each content discipline.

Upon completion of a graduate program in Special Education at The College of Saint Rose, candidates will:


  1. Demonstrate respect for all P-12 students as unique individuals by advancing their learning and development.
  2. Create inclusive and supportive learning environments within a variety of school settings where cultural understanding, safety and emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and active engagement in learning is promoted.
  3. Incorporate understanding of learner development, individual learning differences, and diversity in their teaching practices to positively impact the social, academic, and communication skills of P-12 students.
  4. Use multiple types of assessment tools for a variety of educational decisions that inform instruction for all P-12 students.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and discipline-specific practices to teach curricular content knowledge related to the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards.
  6. Plan and use a variety of evidence-based instructional strategies to provide effective group and individual instructions for P-12 students’ learning and development.
  7. Collaborate with families, students, educators, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies to have a positive impact on student learning.
  8. Incorporate the elements of professional learning and ethical practice to assure that the legal rights and responsibilities of students, caretakers, and professionals are upheld.
  9. Demonstrate understanding of research and applied professional practice by using inquiry and data collection to establish priorities, enhance teaching, and continually inform instructional decisions.
  10. Demonstrate the ability to plan and teach using the principles of Universal Design for Learning, which includes current and appropriate educational and assistive technologies, supplemental materials, and community resources to benefit the needs of all learners. 

Program Contacts:

Program Webpage:

Program Requirements:

Select one.

SED 501IntroToChild w/Dis/Ed Settings


SED 515Fnd&Pract Incl Stud w/Dis PK-6


SIE 515Fnd&Pract Incl Stud w/Dis 7-12


SED 512Classrm Mngmnt Individ Behav


SED 529Transition Asses Pln Std w/Dis


SED 549Assess & Tch Yng Chld w/Disabi


SED 550Dev Asses Young Child


SED 568Assess/Instruction Practices


SIE 566Assess Content Instruc & Indiv


SED 517Adapting Instruction for Stdnt


SED 518Child Methods in Math,Sci,Tech


SED 519Inst Prac Divers Learn Eng Soc


SED 522Autism Spectrum Disorders


SED 538Curricula for Young Children


SED 539Instruct Pract in SpEd Gr 7-12


SED 544Soc Interv Autism Spec Disor


SED 567AdvThry/Prac Tch Childw/EBD


SED 504On-Site Prof Exp Child Ed



SED 505On-Site Prof Exp Sem Child Ed


Internship/Field Experience/Service:

SED 504On-Site Prof Exp Child Ed


Culminating Academic Experiences:

SED 505On-Site Prof Exp Sem Child Ed


Professional Accreditation:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

See Graduate Admissions section for more information.

The College of Saint Rose has long been committed to the premise that a quality education should be within the reach of qualified students. To this end, the College serves its student body through a comprehensive program of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. While the basic responsibility for financing education lies with the students and their families, scholarships, loans, and/or assistantships can supplement insufficient family resources. The amount of aid available through the College is limited and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. All financial assistance from the College is subject to adjustment if the recipients are later granted aid from other sources. Financial aid awards are contingent upon students’ maintaining good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress.

Additional Admission Requirements for Special Education Certification Only:

  • Certification requirement: Initial certification in early childhood education, childhood education, or adolescence Education.  A copy of the initial certification or certificate of qualification must be included with the application.
  • Adolescence (Grades 7-12) Generalist requirement: Candidates must have 6 credits in the each of the following disciplines: English, Social Studies, Mathematics and Science (at least one laboratory science).

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