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Forensic Psychology – BS

Program Overview:

Forensic Psychologists apply their psychological expertise to the legal and criminal justice fields. Already an interdisciplinary field, the forensic psychology major at Saint Rose brings together two of the colleges programs: Psychology, and Criminal Justice, Behavior and Law. The field of forensic psychology is immense, ranging from assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of criminal and civil forensic populations, courtroom process, and organization analysis to policy studies. If the student is appropriately prepared, s/he can skillfully work among those in the psychotherapeutic management and advocacy communities. Specifically, forensic psychologists examine issues, controversies, social problems, psychological state, and other complex phenomenon within juvenile and adult populations in criminal, civil, family, mental health, and many other domains of practice.

Basic Degree in Forensic Psychology - The basic degree is comprised of a core set of classes and selections from courses focusing on criminal justice, psychology, and law. Students have considerable flexibility in the basic degree which focuses on breadth within the field. 

Clinical Concentration in Forensic Psychology - The Clinical concentration emphasizes the applied clinical psychological components of Forensic Psychology. Students still select courses with criminal justice and legal content, but are required to take more courses in psychological science. Students completing the Clinical concentration will be especially well-prepared for graduate programs in Forensic Psychology leading to careers in criminal assessment, assessment in other forensic settings, clinical practice or counseling within a correctional, criminal or other forensic settings, police consultation and counseling, and to serve as expert witnesses.

Legal Concentration in Forensic Psychology - The legal concentration emphasizes the practice of Forensic Psychology within the context of being an attorney. Students still select courses with criminal justice and psychological content, but are required to take additional courses to assist them in preparing for law training. The legal concentration is designed to accommodate those forensic psychology students who are interested in continuing their education by attending law school.

Students must earn a C or better in all courses used to satisfy requirements for the major. Except in special cases where a student receives written approval from the department of Psychology chairperson based on a decision made by the members of the Forensic Psychology Steering Commitee, no student may repeat a course offered for the major more than once. Two failures of a core course will result in the dismissal from the major. Majors may not take courses required for the major (except internships) on a pass/fail basis. Once having declared the Forensic Psychology major, students must satisfy all remaining core, distribution, and other courses applicable to the major at The College of Saint Rose.

Program Contacts:

Dr. Robert Flint

Psychology Department Chair



Program Webpage:

Forensic Psychology, BS

Program Requirements:

Major in Forensic Psychology (73 Credits)

Core Courses (43 credits):

PSY 101General Psychology


CJS 110Intro to Criminal Justice


CJS 111Criminal Behavior


CJS 112The Court Systems


FPY 262Forensic Psychology


FPY 300Forensic Mental Health Law


FPY 400Advanced Forensic Psychology


PSY 295Research Methods/Statistics I


PSY 299Research Methods/Statistics II


PSY 320Biopsychology


PSY 320LBiopsychology Lab


PSY 363Abnormal Psychology


PSY 410Psychometrics


FPY 490Senior Seminar Lab in For Psyc


Select one of the following:
CJS 496SeniorSeminar:Crim Jus Systems

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CJS 497Senior Seminar: Research

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PSY 497Sr Seminar: History & Systems


PSY 498Sr Seminar:Research in Psych


FPY 498Senior Sem: Rsch Forensic Psyc


Criminal Justice Courses:

Basic Degree – Select 5 (15-16 credits)

Clinical Concentration – Select 4 (12-13 credits)

Legal Concentration – Select 4 (12-13 credits)

CJS 232Policing in a Free Society


CJS 234Institutional Corrections


CJS 239Juvenile Delinquency


CJS 241Abuse & Violence


CJS 242Victimology


CJS 310Ethics


CJS 320Criminal Typologies


CJS 324Serial Crime


CJS 340Sex Crimes and Paraphilia


CJS 341Criminal Profiling


CJS 343Criminal Personality


CJS 344Drug Using Criminal


CJS 345Stress, Coping and Violence


CJS 346Desistence & Changing the Crim


CJS 428Life Course Criminology


CJS 494Internship in Crim Justice

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*Students may apply only one 3-credit internship toward their Forensic Psychology degree requirements.

Psychology Courses:

Basic Degree – Select 4 (12 credits)

Clinical Concentration – Select 5 (15 credits)

Legal Concentration – Select 3 (9 credits)

PSY 200Human Sexuality


PSY 252Devel Psy:Adoles & Emerg Adult


PSY 290Psy Perspct on Death& Dying


PSY 292Motivation


PSY 310Social Psychology


PSY 345Intro to Psychopharmacology


PSY 352Health Psychology


PSY 364Psychopathology in Child&Adol


PSY 365Introduction to Psychotherapy


PSY 400Personality


PSY 415Clinical Psychology


PSY 490Psychology Internship

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SOC 360Class, Race, and Gender


FPY 496Forensic Psych Dir Research

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PSY 200, PSY 310 fulfill the Liberal Education Diversity requirement.

*Students may apply only one 3-credit internship toward their Forensic Psychology degree requirements.

Law Courses:

Basic Degree – Select 1-2 (3-4 credits)

Clinical Concentration – Select 1-2 (3-4 credits)

Legal Concentration – Select 3-4 (9-10 credits)

CJS 238Substantive Criminal Law


CJS 252Introduction to Evidence


CJS 338Adv Substantive Crim Law


CJS 339Constitutional Crim Procedure


CJS 352Scientfc&ExpertOpinionEvidence


CJS 481Mock Trial 1


CJS 482Mock Trial 2


Internship/Field Experiences/Service:

Internships at The College of Saint Rose are strongly encouraged. Not only do internships assist the student to determine their career goals, it also serves other purposes:

  1. They provide the students with the opportunity to get a “foot in the door” at an agency they wish to be employed
  2. They provide the agency with the opportunity to observe and review the skills, strengths and weaknesses of interns before deciding whether or not to hire them.
  3. They give interns the opportunity to gain valuable hands on experience to gain valuable hands on experience.
  4. Achieve firsthand knowledge of an agency
  5. Meet people working in the field
  6. Make a good impression on future supervisors

Culminating Academic Experiences:

Required Course:

Students choose one course from the following:

PSY 497Sr Seminar: History & Systems


PSY 498Sr Seminar:Research in Psych


FPY 498Senior Sem: Rsch Forensic Psyc


CJS 496SeniorSeminar:Crim Jus Systems

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CJS 497Senior Seminar: Research

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Professional Accreditation:

The College of Saint Rose, sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province, is chartered by the Board of Regents of New York State. All of its degrees and programs are registered and its professional programs fully approved by the Board of Regents through the New York State Education Department.

The College of Saint Rose is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (267-284-5000) The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Career Opportunities and Graduate Study:

Over the last 20 years, the field of forensic psychology has maintained a steady growth rate. It is expected that over the next ten years, consultation, research work, and clinical practice in psychology and the law will continue to grow. Positions working with lawmakers, attorneys, and the courts are predicted to have the highest demand. It is also expected that jobs working in colleges and universities, teaching and doing research, will continue to increase. Changing laws and the development of new and innovative ways to deal with juvenile offenders has become popular subjects of exploration amongst forensic psychologists. Their expert advice can be vital to the decisions made regarding such delinquents.

There are also a number of positions within the realm of forensics that graduates would be able to hold; most of these require a bachelor’s degree: Correctional counselor, Correctional casework specialist, Correctional care and treatment worker, Court liaison, Juvenile corrections officer, Mental health case manager, Probation counselor, Victim assistance worker, Victim advocate

Some forensic psychologists choose to focus their careers exclusively on research, which ranges anywhere from learning how to improve interrogation methods to the detailed assessment of eyewitness testimony. Public policy is another area of interest for forensic psychologists. In this line of work forensic psychologists act as researchers helping to design prisons and other correctional facilities. Most often Forensic Psychology includes areas between the conventional options of criminal justice (i.e., law enforcement, academic training, and corrections).

According to the Occupational Information Network (O*Net), the projected growth of several areas that graduates of this program would be prepared to pursue is faster than average: (a) the growth of clinical psychology is faster than average (14-20%) and it has been marked as an “in demand” job, (b) the growth of both substance abuse counseling and mental health counseling is labeled as much faster than average (>21%) and these areas have also been marked as “in demand” jobs. These aforementioned jobs would require graduate training to obtain a masters degree or doctorate.

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

The Undergraduate Admissions Office begins review of Freshman applications each fall in late September for the following Fall. Students are encouraged to submit a complete an application as early as November. The Admissions Team will return a decision on complete applications within just three weeks. The College awards academic scholarships at the same time.

What Makes an Application Complete

  • Online or Paper application (fee waived for online applicants!)
  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official Transcripts for any College Level Courses
  • SAT or ACT scores  (See Test Optional FAQ's)
  • Letter of Recommendation from a Counselor or Teacher
  • Essay or Graded Paper
  • Applicants may also apply via the Common Application Online.
  • Art applicants are required to complete a portfolio review.

Admissions contact information (telephone number, admissions web pages)

Scholarships and Financial Aid

See Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid section for more information.

The Bottom Line

The total cost of The College of Saint Rose (including tuition, fees, room and board) is one of the lowest of any private college in the Northeast, and we still award more than $25 million in Saint Rose scholarships, grants and financial aid.

Take a look at our bottom line, and view a cost comparison with a four-year public institution.

More about Financial Aid

Financial Aid is defined as any grant, scholarship, loan, or employment opportunity given with the express purpose of assisting you with education-related expenses to make you education affordable. Financial Aid is awarded on the basis of student need and the availability of funds.

The Admission and Financial Aid teams have designed a Guide to Scholarships and Financial Aid to help prospective students and families get to the bottom line and find that The College of Saint Rose is one of the lowest of any private college in the Northeast--while maintaining powerful academic opportunities.

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