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POS 373 Democratic Theory

In this seminar we will explore various theories of democracy with particular emphasis on the relationship between democracy and inequality and between democracy and justice. In particular, we will examine the challenges 'difference','foreignness' poses for democracy. With highly mobile populations and the expansion of globalization (and global capitalism), there are few places that are homogenous in ways early scholars had in mind (if they ever were to begin with!). Does a radical plurality of interests, perspectives, identities, and ways of life render democracy incoherent and ill-advised? Or maybe homogeneity is not a necessary component of democracy at all. In fact, maybe democracy requires inclusion of 'difference' or 'foreignness' and is actually enriched and strengthened by meaningful inclusion. But even if these things are true, what would 'meaningful inclusion' look like? And how might it be attained? POS 373L Advanced Research Lab required if course is offered as 3-credit plus lab. Fulfills writing-intensive requirement. Prerequisite: POS 142 (PT)
