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2013-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
> RLS - Religious Studies
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ACC - Accounting
AHI - Art History
AMS - American Studies
ANT - Anthropology
ARA - Arabic
ART - Art
ATE - Applied Technology Education
BIO - Biology
BLE - Bi-Lingual Education
BUS - Business
CEP - College Experience Program
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CIN - Community Involvement
CJS - Criminal Justice
COM - Communications
CSC - Computer Science
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Technology
EPY - Educational Psychology
ESC - Earth Science
EXY - Exploratory Program
FRE - French
GRK - Greek
HIS - History
ITA - Italian
MAT - Mathematics
MDT - Medical Technology
MUS - Music
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POS - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RLS - Religious Studies
RUS - Russian
SCI - Science
SEC - Secondary Education
SED - Special Education
SEE - Spec Educ Elem Educ
SLG - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
TEC - Applied Technology Education
URB - Urban Education
WGS-Women's & Gender Studies
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RLS - Religious Studies
RLS 100 Introduction to Religious Studies
RLS 102 Ethics and Values
RLS 110 Intro to Theology
RLS 121 World Religions
RLS 122 Christian Traditions
RLS 124 New Religious Movements
RLS 126 Religion and Sustainability
RLS 128 Intro to Christian Ethics
RLS 171 Sacred Place: Sacred Space
RLS 180 Angels, Roadside Crosses and Garage Sales: Informal Religious Dimensions of American Culture
RLS 185 Heroes, Scapegoats, Victims
RLS 190 Religion and Film
RLS 203 Hebrew Scriptures
RLS 204 New Testament Studies
RLS 212 Amer Religious History
RLS 220 Ethics & Wrld Religions
RLS 230 Myth, Symbol, and Story
RLS 235 Primal Perspectives
RLS 240 Native American Religions
RLS 250 Afric Amer Womenist Theologies
RLS 253 African/Afro Caribbean Religion
RLS 271 Religion and the Right: Conservative and Fundamentalist Faiths
RLS 273 Utopias and Dystopias
RLS 280 American Catholicism
RLS 281 Touchdown Jesus:Sports &Relig
RLS 290 Religion, Conflict, & Peace
RLS 302 Catholic Social Justice
RLS 305 Philosophy of Religion
RLS 316 Mysticism/Contemplat/Prayer
RLS 320 Process Theology
RLS 325 Morality of Killing
RLS 330 Contempory Christian Theology
RLS 332 Sacraments,Worship,Praise
RLS 340 Theology and Politics
RLS 341 Marriage & Family
RLS 345 Doctors of the Church
RLS 360 Religious Conversion in Art and Literature
RLS 365 Religion:Race, Class, Gender
RLS 380 Special Topics
RLS 381 Special Topics in American Religions
RLS 382 Special Topics in Asian Religions
RLS 383 Special Topics in Ethics
RLS 384 Special Topics in Sacred Texts
RLS 385 Special Topics in Western Traditions
RLS 415 Interfaith Religious Dialogue
RLS 421 The Holocaust Historic Tragedy
RLS 492 Internship
RLS 495 Religious Studies Methodologies
RLS 498 Senior Portfolio
RLS 499 Independent Study