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2013-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
> MUS - Music
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ACC - Accounting
AHI - Art History
AMS - American Studies
ANT - Anthropology
ARA - Arabic
ART - Art
ATE - Applied Technology Education
BIO - Biology
BLE - Bi-Lingual Education
BUS - Business
CEP - College Experience Program
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CIN - Community Involvement
CJS - Criminal Justice
COM - Communications
CSC - Computer Science
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Technology
EPY - Educational Psychology
ESC - Earth Science
EXY - Exploratory Program
FRE - French
GRK - Greek
HIS - History
ITA - Italian
MAT - Mathematics
MDT - Medical Technology
MUS - Music
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POS - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RLS - Religious Studies
RUS - Russian
SCI - Science
SEC - Secondary Education
SED - Special Education
SEE - Spec Educ Elem Educ
SLG - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
TEC - Applied Technology Education
URB - Urban Education
WGS-Women's & Gender Studies
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MUS - Music
MUS 100 Repetroire
MUS 101 Music Theory I
MUS 102 Music Theory II
MUS 103 Ear Training and Solfege
MUS 104 Ear Training and Solfege
MUS 110 Fund of Music Theory
MUS 161 Appl Music:
MUS 162 Applied Music:Primary
MUS 163 Sec Appl Music:
MUS 164 Applied Secondary Instrument
MUS 171 Voice Class 1
MUS 172 Voice Class 1
MUS 181 Keyboard Harmony 1
MUS 182 Keyboard Harmony 2
MUS 200 Convocation
MUS 201 Music Theory III
MUS 202 Form/Analysis West/Non-W Music
MUS 203 Advanced Ear Training and Solfege
MUS 204 Advanced Ear Training and Solfege
MUS 211 Intrumental Tech: Brass I
MUS 212 Instrumental Tech: Brass II
MUS 213 Instrument Tech:Woodwinds I
MUS 214 Instrumnt Tech:Woodwnds II
MUS 215 Instrument Tech:Percussion I
MUS 216 Instrumnt Tech:Percussion II
MUS 217 Instrument Tech:Strings I
MUS 218 Instrument Tech:Strings II
MUS 221 Instrumental Conducting
MUS 223 Choral Techniques
MUS 224 Choral Conducting
MUS 225 Intro to Wind/Percuss Instrum
MUS 228 String Tech:Non-Mus Ed Majors
MUS 241 New Music Ensemble
MUS 250 Music for Elementary School Classroom Teacher
MUS 251 Introduction to Music
MUS 253 Jazz:Historical Overview
MUS 254 History of Rock
MUS 255 Survey of Music 1
MUS 256 History of Music 2
MUS 257 Music Technology
MUS 258 Music Fundamentals
MUS 261 Appl Music:
MUS 262 Applied Music Prim Instrumnt
MUS 263 Sec Appl Music:
MUS 264 Applied Music Second Instrumnt
MUS 267 Chamber Mus: Strings
MUS 269 Chamber Orchestra
MUS 273 Woodwind Quintet
MUS 274 Classical Guitar Ensemble
MUS 275 Vocal Chamber Music Ensemble
MUS 276 Men's Glee Club
MUS 277 Women's Chorale
MUS 278 Madrigal Ensemble
MUS 279 Chamber Mus: Clarinet
MUS 280 Rec Music A Ensemble
MUS 281 Keyboard Harmony 3
MUS 282 Keyboard Harmony 4
MUS 283 Chamber Music - Flute Ensemble
MUS 284 Chamber Music: Winds Ensemble
MUS 285 Chamber Music:Brass
MUS 286 Chamber Music:Saxophone Ensem
MUS 287 Jazz Guitar Ensemble
MUS 288 Trombone Choir
MUS 289 Orchestra
MUS 290 College Campus Band
MUS 291 Masterworks Chorale
MUS 292 Wind Ensemble
MUS 293 Chamber Singers
MUS 294 Brass Choir
MUS 295 Jazz Ensemble/Vocal
MUS 296 Percussion Ensemble
MUS 297 Opera Workshop
MUS 298 Jazz Ensemble Instrument
MUS 299 Jazz Chamber Ensemble
MUS 301 Music History 1
MUS 302 Music History 2
MUS 303 World Music
MUS 315 Liturgical Music & Rites
MUS 316 Lab:Liturgical Music & Rites
MUS 331 Instrumental Methods 1
MUS 332 Instrumental Methods 2
MUS 334 Orchestration & Instrumentat
MUS 335 Elem Vocal Music Methods
MUS 336 Secondry Vocal Mus Meth 7-12
MUS 337 Lab Teaching:Vocal
MUS 338 Lab Teaching: Vocal
MUS 339 Lab Tchg:Instru 1
MUS 340 Lab Tch:Instrument
MUS 341 Choral Arranging
MUS 350 Recording Engineering
MUS 351 Jazz Arranging
MUS 352 Songwriting Workshop
MUS 353 Music Business Survey
MUS 354 Introduction of Pro Tool
MUS 358 Artist Management
MUS 359 Arts, Aesthetics and Law
MUS 361 Appl Music:
MUS 362 Applied Music Prim Instrumnt
MUS 363 Sec Appl Music:
MUS 364 Applied Secondary Instrument
MUS 367 Improvisation 1
MUS 368 Improvisation II
MUS 369 Improvisation 3
MUS 380 Topics
MUS 393 Applied Music Primary Instrument
MUS 394 Secondary Applied in Liturgical Piano or Organ
MUS 434 Vocal Diction
MUS 435 Vocal Pedagogy
MUS 450 Senior Performance
MUS 452 Record Production Workshop
MUS 453 Senior Studio Project/Seminar
MUS 454 Music Industry Internship
MUS 455 Top:Music Industry
MUS 461 Appl Music:
MUS 462 Applied Music Primary
MUS 463 Sec Appl Music:
MUS 464 Applied Secondary Instrument
MUS 484 Piano Proficiency
MUS 486 Stud Tchg Sem/Portfolio
MUS 487 Student Teaching:Vocal
MUS 488 Student Teaching:Instrumental
MUS 494 Liturgical Music Internship
MUS 499 Independent Study