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2013-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
> CEP - College Experience Program
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Programs of Study
ACC - Accounting
AHI - Art History
AMS - American Studies
ANT - Anthropology
ARA - Arabic
ART - Art
ATE - Applied Technology Education
BIO - Biology
BLE - Bi-Lingual Education
BUS - Business
CEP - College Experience Program
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CIN - Community Involvement
CJS - Criminal Justice
COM - Communications
CSC - Computer Science
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Technology
EPY - Educational Psychology
ESC - Earth Science
EXY - Exploratory Program
FRE - French
GRK - Greek
HIS - History
ITA - Italian
MAT - Mathematics
MDT - Medical Technology
MUS - Music
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POS - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RLS - Religious Studies
RUS - Russian
SCI - Science
SEC - Secondary Education
SED - Special Education
SEE - Spec Educ Elem Educ
SLG - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
TEC - Applied Technology Education
URB - Urban Education
WGS-Women's & Gender Studies
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CEP - College Experience Program
CEP 001 College Survival
CEP 002 Fitness
CEP 003 Residential Life
CEP 004 Community Involvement
CEP 005 Studio in Bead Design
CEP 007 American Sign Language Workshp
CEP 008 Internat'l Studies Workshop
CEP 009 Digital Photography Workshop
CEP 010 Portfolio 1: Coll Exp Prog
CEP 011 Portfolio II
CEP 012 Comm Explor & Recreat Plng
CEP 013 Advanced Internship
CEP 014 Integrated Independ Seminar
CEP 015 Post-Grad Enrichmn Exploration
CEP 016 Diversity in Today's Society
CEP 017 Personal Relationships
CEP 018 Cooking Workshop
CEP 020 Ecology
CEP 021 Stress Management
CEP 022 Sociology
CEP 023 Practical History
CEP 024 Color and Design
CEP 025 Music Appreciation
CEP 026 Fashion
CEP 027 Creative Writing
CEP 028 Videography
CEP 030 Health and Wellness
CEP 031 Computer Applications
CEP 032 Integration into College Crses
CEP 033 American Political Culture
CEP 034 Finance
CEP 035 Adv Computer App
CEP 036 Interpersonal Communication
CEP 037 Environmental Science
CEP 038 Canine Careers
CEP 039 Perspectives
CEP 040 First Aid
CEP 041 Health & Wellness II
CEP 042 Finance II
CEP 043 Adv Comp App II
CEP 044 Studies in Self-Expression
CEP 045 Civics
CEP 046 Psychology
CEP 047 Drama
CEP 048 Music and Movement
CEP 049 Journalism
CEP 050 Video Production
CEP 052 Experimental Drawing
CEP 053 Internship
CEP 054 Entrepreneurship Workshop
CEP 055 Human Sexuality
CEP 056 Understanding Animation Wrkshp
CEP 057 Lancaster Times