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Computer Science – BS

Program Overview:

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science prepares students for a career in the Computer Science field. The program provides a strong foundation in critical concept areas required for success in the field. These include data structures, algorithms, logic and computing and programming languages. The program complements the fundamentals of CS with an emphasis on mathematics, requiring study in calculus, discrete mathematics, and either statistics or probability. Additionally, course offerings are updated frequently to keep up with the myriad of changes in technology, including new courses in the areas of Cloud Computing, Virtualization Technologies, Big Data, Machine Learning, Advanced Databases, and also multiple courses in Cybersecurity. As the college has a rich history in the Liberal Arts, graduates of the program will not only excel technically, but will also learn how to realize their full potential through the development of soft skills including creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking.

Majors will acquire the knowledge to advance into a wide variety of Software Development positions in the areas of Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Systems Programming, Networking, and Database Design, among others. Students will also be prepared to pursue advanced degrees at graduate school.

In today’s job market, employers often favor candidates with expertise and/or experience in computing. Regardless of a student’s major at Saint Rose, a minor in Computer Science would be an attractive addition to their resume. Students pursuing a minor have the flexibility to choose a course of study.

Students must earn a minimum grade of C in every course required for the major/minor and any concentration(s). Students may apply 1 C- grade to the major if it is balanced with 1 A grade. Except in special cases where a student receives written approval from the department chairperson based on a decision made by the members of the full-time computer science department faculty, no student may repeat a course offered by the computer science department more than once. Two failures of a core course will result in dismissal from the major. Majors may not take courses required for the major (except internships) on a pass/fail basis. Once having declared the BS Computer Science major, students must satisfy all remaining core, and other courses applicable to the major at The College of Saint Rose. The department does not allow students to replace courses offered by the department with Independent Studies.

Students wishing to complete internships for the BS degree must have junior or senior standing, a minimum cumulative Computer Science GPA of 2.80 and a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.80.

Program Contacts:

Professor Mark R. Gilder

Chair, Computer Science Department


Program Webpage:  Computer Science

Program Requirements:

Major in Computer Science (61 credits)

CSC 202Intro to Programming


CSC 252Problem Solving w/JAVA


CSC 302Data Structures


CSC 321Database Mgmt Systems


CSC 332Microcomp Arch & Prog


CSC 381Programming UNIX with C


CSC 431Algorithms


CSC 432Operating Systems


CSC 433Programming Languages


CSC 434Software Engineering


MAT 190Calculus 1


MAT 191Calculus 2


MAT 184Elementary Statistics


MAT 295Discrete Math Structures



CSC 295Discrete Mathematics


CSC 202 and CSC 252 may each be taken only twice without faculty permission.

CSC electives at the 300- or 400-level (13 credits)

CSC electives: Dual Math/Computer Science majors may substitute a 200-level or above MAT course for a CSC elective.

For those interested in honors-level undergraduate research, please refer to the Honors Research section.

Internship/Field Experiences/Service:

Elective Course:

CSC 494Internship

1 to 6

Culminating Academic Experiences:

Required Course:

CSC 434Software Engineering


Suggested 4 Year Course Plan:

This suggested plan is designed to give students an idea of how to balance their coursework over 8 semesters and to graduate within 4 years. Most students will need to take a minimum of 30 credits each year in order to meet the graduation requirement of a minimum of 122 overall credits.  It should be used along with your Degree Works worksheet and in consultation with your faculty advisor. It is meant as a guide, not a definitive list of courses that must be taken as written. Your faculty advisor will help you make any necessary adjustments during advisement.

Year 1

Fall (15-16 credits)
CSC 202 Intro to Computer Science (4cr)
MAT 190 Calculus 1 (4cr)
ENG 105 Expository Writing, Oral Comm. and Research (4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Spring (15 credits)
CSC 252 Problem Solving with Java (4cr)
CSC 321 Database Management Systems (4cr)
MAT 191 Calculus 2 (4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Year 2

Fall (14-15 credits)
CSC 302 Data Structures (4cr)
CSC/MAT 295 Discrete Mathematical Structures (3cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Spring (12-14 credits)
CSC 332 Microcomputer Architecture (3cr)

CSC Elective (3-4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Year 3

Fall (13-14 credits)
CSC 431 Algorithms (3cr)
CSC 381 Programming UNIX with C (3cr)
MAT 184 Elementary Statistics (4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Spring (15-17 credits)
CSC 432 Operating Systems (3cr)
CSC Elective (3-4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)
Further Disciplinary Study – second course in an L0 area (3cr)
General Elective (3-4cr)

Year 4

Fall (14-17 credits)
CSC 433 Programming Languages (3cr)

CSC Elective (3-4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (2cr)
General Electives (6-8cr)                                

Spring (12-16 credits)
CSC 434 Software Engineering (3cr)
CSC Elective* (3-4cr)
General Electives (6-9cr)

*An internship is highly recommended and will count for elective CSC credit.

Accelerated Degree Option: Computer Science BS + MBA:

Students in the B.S. Computer Science/MBA Accelerated course of Study are required to take the following undergraduate business courses.  These courses provide a strong foundation in business, making it easier for the student to transition to graduate level business courses. 


Additional Required UG Courses

ACC 121

ACC 122

ECO 205

ECO 206

BUS 301


While not required, we encourage students to take the following undergraduate business courses as part of their undergraduate coursework. 


Recommended UG Courses

BUS 246

BUS 253


Students in this accelerated course of study will use the following course substitutions to complete the undergraduate and graduate degrees at an accelerated pace.  


Course Substitutions

Undergraduate Course

Graduate Course

General Elective

ACC 522

General Elective

MBA 516

General Elective

MBA 517

General Elective

MBA 555

General Elective

MBA Elective


Requirements for the Master of Business Administration can be found in the current Graduate Catalog.

Accelerated Degree Option: Computer Science BS + MS:

For the accelerated degree options that include the Computer Science MS, students will be allowed to count 15 graduate credits towards their undergraduate degree. Students will also need to meet all requirements of their BS and MS degrees. There are no additional required undergraduate classes for this particular accelerated degree option.

Requirements for the Computer Science Master of Science are listed in the current Graduate Catalog.


Proposed 2 in 4 Plan of Study:

Year 1
Fall (15 credits)
CSC 202 Intro to Computer Science (4cr)
MAT 190 Calculus 1 (4cr)
ENG 105 Expository Writing, Oral Comm. and Research (4cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L06 (3cr)

Spring (16 credits)
CSC 252 Problem Solving with Java (4cr)
CSC 321 Database Management Systems (4cr)
MAT 191 Calculus 2 (4cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L04 (4cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L12 (1cr)

Summer (4 credits)
Lib Ed. Requirement: L03 (4cr)

Year 2
Fall (17 credits)
CSC 302 Data Structures (4cr)
CSC/MAT 295 Discrete Mathematical Structures (3cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L02 (3cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L05 (3cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L09 (4cr)

Spring (17 credits)
CSC 332 Microcomputer Architecture (3cr)
CSC Undergrad Electives (4cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L10 (3cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L11 (3cr)
Further Disciplinary Study – second course in an L0 area (3cr)
Lib. Ed. Requirement: L12 (1cr)

Summer (6 credits)
Undergrad General Electives (6cr)

Year 3
Fall (16 credits)
CSC 509 Algorithms (3cr)
CSC 381 Programming UNIX with C (3cr)
MAT 184 Elementary Statistics (4cr)
CSC Undergrad Electives (3cr)
Undergrad General Electives (3cr)

Spring (16 credits)
CSC 563 Operating Systems (3cr)
CSC 434 Software Engineering (3cr)
Undergrad General Electives (10cr)

Summer (3 credits)
CSC 595 Project-Based Internship (3cr)

Year 4
Fall (15 credits)
CSC 564 Programming Languages (3cr)
CSC 541 Networks (3cr)
CSC Grad Elective (3cr)
Undergrad General Electives (6cr)

Spring (15 credits)
CSC 542 Theory of Computation (3cr)
CSC Grad Electives (12cr)

General Information on Accelerated Degree Options (Bachelor's + Master's):

Eligibility Standards:


High School Students:

  • Minimum high school GPA of 92
  • Combined SAT of 1100 (out of 1600) OR ACT of 24 
  • Letter of recommendation specifically for the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program from a high school teacher or counselor

Transfer Students:

  • 45 credits completed
  • GPA of 3.4 overall or at least a 3.4 GPA in the last 30 credits
  • A grade of B or higher in financial accounting
  • A grade of B or higher in managerial accounting 
  • Letter of recommendation from a faculty member from either Saint Rose or the institution from which the student transferred

Current Saint Rose Students:

  • 45 credits completed
  • Overall GPA of 3.4
  • A grade of B or higher in financial accounting
  • A grade of B or higher in managerial accounting
  • Letter of recommendation from a Saint Rose faculty member

Maintaining Status in Accelerated Programs:

  • Overall GPA of 3.4 at the completion of 45 credits 
  • Overall GPA of 3.0 from the completion of 45 credits to completion of the undergraduate degree
  • A grade of B or higher in financial accounting
  • A grade of B or higher in managerial accounting
  • Students can receive no more than one C in a graduate level course. An earned C must be retaken at the graduate level unless otherwise specified by the program.
  • Students cannot receive a failing grade in a graduate level course.


Losing Eligibility for an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option:


Students who do not maintain the standards outlined for their Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option will lose eligibility for this completion option. If these students are in otherwise good standing with the College, they can continue in their current undergraduate program or move to another undergraduate major. We propose that up to a maximum of 12 graduate credits taken up to that point and completed with a grade of C or higher may be applied to their undergraduate degree. These credits might be applied as either general elective credits or to fulfill a requirement within the undergraduate major, depending on the undergraduate major’s grade requirements. Major grade restrictions would still apply. The student would take the undergraduate courses specified in the course catalog to fulfill all remaining requirements. 


Discontinuing an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Options:


Students in good standing may choose to discontinue an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option or withdraw from a dual degree program.  These students may then move to another program offered by the college.  Up to a maximum of 12 graduate credits taken up to that point and completed with a grade of C or higher would be applied to their undergraduate degree.  The student would take the undergraduate courses specified in the course catalog to fulfill all remaining requirements. 


Opportunity to apply graduate credits to a future master’s degree at Saint Rose if no longer enrolled in Accelerated Program: 


Students who withdraw or are dismissed from the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option may apply to a Saint Rose Master’s Degree program after completion of the Bachelor’s Degree.  If accepted to a Saint Rose master’s degree program these students may transfer up to 12 graduate credits earned as part of their Saint Rose Bachelor’s Degree.  Specific courses must be approved for transfer by the faculty advisor, and Department Chair/Program Coordinator. Transfer credit is allowed only for courses in which students have received a grade of “B” or better and within the six-year time limit allowed for completion of the Master’s Degree or Certificate of Advanced Study.  No more than half of a Certificate of Advanced Study or Master’s Degree can be fulfilled with credits that had been applied to a Saint Rose Bachelor’s Degree. 


Reinstatement in Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Options:


Students in good academic standing with the college but previously declared ineligible from their Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option can apply for reinstatement to the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Option after retaking undergraduate courses that resulted in their change of eligibility and/or after earning an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.  Students who earned any graduate grade lower than a C or more than one C at the graduate level may not reapply for reinstatement into the Accelerated degree option. 




Students in this Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Course of Study will have two advisors while they are undergraduates.  A faculty member from the student’s undergraduate discipline will serve as the primary advisor while the student is an undergraduate.  A faculty member from the graduate program will serve as a secondary advisor.  After completing the Bachelor’s Degree the advisor from the graduate program will serve as the student’s sole advisor.  


Career Opportunities and Graduate Study:


The skills you acquire will put you in demand for some of the hottest jobs in information technology. Majors will acquire the knowledge to advance into positions in computer programming, systems analysis, systems design, Internet programming and information systems management. Students will also be prepared to attend graduate programs in their field.


Computer science students receive industry specific training on the same hardware and software they will encounter in the "real world." And, since Saint Rose is located in the heart of New York's Tech Valley, internship opportunities in the computer industry abound.

Find Out More:

Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid: