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Communication Sciences and Disorders – BS

Program Overview:

As part of the School of Education, the department monitors the development of students' professional qualities, which is consistent with the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department’s belief that interpersonal communication and professionalism are key attributes for professional practice in communication disorders. Information about this process will be provided to students in program meetings and through the CSD program manual.

The Communication Sciences and Disorders program is a competency-based program. Therefore, students will be involved in a sequence of field experiences, many of which are off campus. The sequence of required fieldwork is as follows:

Clinical Sequence Leading to Practicum:

Supervised Observation (CSD 360L)

Clinical Practicum Seminar (CSD 371)

Program Contacts:

Program Requirements:

CSD 100Survey of Comm Sci & Disorders


CSD 105Community Involvement Exp


CSD 109Phonetics


CSD 204Anatomy&Physiol Spch/Swallow


CSD 219Speech Sound Devolpm Disorders


CSD 225Hearing Disorders & Assessmnt


CSD 240Language Development


EPY 241Introduction to Statistics


CSD 245Intro to Research Meth in CSD


CSD 345Language Disorders in Children


CSD 346Cognition, Commun, & Behavior


CSD 360Clinical Methods


CSD 360LSupervised Observation Lab


CSD 370Sprvsd Clinical Practicum


CSD 371Clinical Practicum Seminar


CSD 385Voice & Resonance


CSD 386Foundations of Fluency


CSD 430Aural Rehabilitation


CSD 490Undergraduate Capstone in CSD


SED 450Organ Spch/Lang/Hr Sch Prog


EDU 300Foundations of Education


EPY 244Child & Adolescent Development


EPY 370Ed Psych/Instruct Tech


PSY 110Foundations of Psychology 1



PSY 111Foundations of Psychology 2


PSY 363Abnormal Psychology



PSY 420Cognitive Psychology


SWK 114Intro to SWK:Self-Awar & Soc R


PHY 100Introduction to Physics


EDU 102Violence Prevention


EDU 103Child Abuse Prevention


EDU 111Dignity for All Students


EPY 337Substance Use Prevention


Internship/Field Experiences/Service:

Culminating Academic Experiences:

CSD 370Sprvsd Clinical Practicum


CSD 371Clinical Practicum Seminar


CSD 490Undergraduate Capstone in CSD


Sample 4 Year Course Plan:

First Years Beginning in Fall:

Year 1:

CSD 100 Survey of CSD (3)

CSD 105 Community Involvement (1)


CSD 204 A&P (4)


Year 2:


CSD 109 Phonetics (4)


CSD 219 Speech Sound Disorders (4)

PHY 100 Intro to Physics (3)

PSY 110 or 111 Foundations of Psychology (3)


Year 3:


CSD 240 Language Development (3)

EPY 241 Intro to Stats (3)

CSD 385 Foundations of Fluency (2)

CSD 386 Voice and Resonance (2)

PSY 420 Cognitive Psychology or PSY 363 Abnormal Psychology (3)


CSD 225 Hearing Disorders and Assessment (3)

CSD 245 Intro to Research Methods in CSD (3)

CSD 345 Language Disorders (3)

SWK 114 Self Aware./Soc. Relations (3)


Year 4:


CSD 346 Cognition, Comm. & Behavior (3)

CSD 360 Clinical Methods (3)

CSD 360L Supervised Observation (1)

SED 450 Public Schools (3)


CSD 370 Clinical Practicum (1)

CSD 371 Practicum Seminar (1)

CSD 430 Aural Rehab (3)

CSD 490 Undergrad Capstone in CSD (2)

First Years Beginning in the Spring:

Year 1:




CSD 100 Survey of CSD (3)

CSD 204 A&P (4)

Year 2:


CSD 105 Community Involvement (1)

CSD 109 Phonetics (4)

CSD 240 Language Development (3)


CSD 219 Speech Sound Disorders (4)

CSD 225 Hearing Disorders and Assessment (3)

CSD 345 Language Disorders (3)

PHY 100 Intro to Physics (3)

PSY 110 or 111 Foundations of Psychology (3)

Year 3:


SWK 114 Self Aware./Soc. Relations (3)

EPY 241 Intro to Stats (3)

CSD 385 Foundations of Fluency (2)

CSD 386 Voice and Resonance (2)

CSD 346 Cognition, Comm. & Behavior (3)


CSD 245 Intro to Research Methods in CSD (3)

PSY 420 Cognitive Psychology or PSY 363 Abnormal Psychology (3)


Year 4:


CSD 360 Clinical Methods (3)

CSD 360L Supervised Observation (1)

SED 450 Public Schools (3)


CSD 370 Clinical Practicum (1)

CSD 371 Practicum Seminar (1)

CSD 430 Aural Rehab (3)

CSD 490 Undergrad Capstone in CSD (2)

Students can take the following required courses during or after their sophomore year:

EDU 300 Foundations of Education (3 cr.)
EPY 244 Life-Span Human Development or Equiv. (3-4 cr.) 
EPY 370 Educational Psychology (4 cr.)* OR EPY 350 Educational Psychology (3 credits) and CIS 204 Educational Computing (3 credits)
EPY 337 Substance Abuse Workshop (0 cr.)
EDU 102 Violence Prevention Workshop (0 cr.)
EDU 103 Child Abuse Workshop (0 cr.)
EDU 111 Dignity for All Students Workshop (0 cr.)

Through all subsequent stages of the program, students are required to maintain a 2.75 GPA in the major and a grade of C+ or better in each major course. Students are only allowed to repeat an academic course once, and a maximum of two academic courses may be repeated in the major (see catalogue for details). 
NOTE: Students must earn 120 total credits to complete the undergraduate degree. 

Transfers Starting in Fall:

Year 1:


CSD 100 Survey of CSD (3)

CSD 105 Community Involvement (1)

CSD 109 Phonetics (4)

CSD 240 Language Development (3)

EPY 241 Intro to Stats (3)


CSD 204 A&P (4)

CSD 219 Speech Sound Disorders (4)

CSD 225 Hearing Disorders and Assessment (3)

CSD 345 Language Disorders (3)

PHY 100 Intro to Physics (3)


PSY 110 or 111 Foundations of Psychology (3)


Year 2:


CSD 346 Cognition, Comm. & Behavior (3)

CSD 360 Clinical Methods (3)

CSD 360L Supervised Observation (1)

CSD 385 Foundations of Fluency (2)

CSD 386 Voice and Resonance (2)

PSY 420 Cognitive Psychology or PSY 363 Abnormal Psychology (3)


CSD 245 Intro to Research Methods in CSD (3)

CSD 370 Clinical Practicum (1)

CSD 371 Practicum Seminar (1)

CSD 430 Aural Rehab (3)

CSD 490 Undergrad Capstone in CSD (2)

SED 450 Public Schools (3)


Transfers Starting in the Spring:

Year 1:


CSD 100 Survey of CSD (3)

CSD 204 A&P (4)

PHY 100 Intro to Physics (3)


CSD 105 Community Involvement (1)

CSD 109 Phonetics (4)

CSD 240 Language Development (3)

CSD 385 Foundations of Fluency (2)

CSD 386 Voice and Resonance (2)

EPY 241 Intro to Stats (3)


Year 2:


CSD 219 Speech Sound Disorders (4)

CSD 225 Hearing Disorders and Assessment (3)

CSD 245 Intro to Research Methods in CSD (3)

CSD 345 Language Disorders (3)



CSD 346 Cognition, Comm. & Behavior (3)

CSD 360 Clinical Methods (3)

CSD 360L Supervised Observation (1)

PSY 110 or 111 Foundations of Psychology (3)

SED 450 Public Schools (3)


Year 3:


CSD 370 Clinical Practicum (1)

CSD 371 Practicum Seminar (1)

CSD 430 Aural Rehab (3)

CSD 490 Undergrad Capstone in CSD (2)

PSY 420 Cognitive Psychology or PSY 363 Abnormal Psychology (3)

SWK 114 Self-aware and Social Rel. (3)

Students can take the following required courses during or after their sophomore year:

EDU 300 Foundations of Education (3 cr.)
EPY 244 Life-Span Human Development or Equiv. (3-4 cr.)
EPY 370 Educational Psychology (4 cr.)* OR EPY 350 Educational Psychology (3 credits) and CIS 204 Educational Computing (3 credits)
EPY 337 Substance Abuse Workshop (0 cr.)
EDU 102 Violence Prevention Workshop (0 cr.)
EDU 103 Child Abuse Workshop (0 cr.)
EDU 111 Dignity for All Students Workshop (0 cr.)

Through all subsequent stages of the program, students are required to maintain a 2.75 GPA in the major and a grade of C+ or better in each major course. Students are only allowed to repeat an academic course once, and a maximum of two academic courses may be repeated in the major (see catalogue for details).
NOTE: Students must earn 120 total credits to complete the undergraduate degree.

Accelerated Degree Option: Communication Sciences and Disorders BS + MSED:

Criteria for Acceptance into the Accelerated Program Entered as an Incoming First Year:

  1. Score of 1200 (out of 1600) on the SATs or 28 on the ACTs.
  2. Average of 90 in both English and Science courses.
  3. At least one letter of recommendation from a teacher who can comment on your academic performance and potential for success in an advanced program.
  4. Successful interview and writing sample with a member of the CSD department.

Sample Course Sequence for Students Entering the Accelerated BS/MSED Program as First Year Students:

This guide includes required courses with CSD prefixes (45 credits), specific required courses without CSD prefixes (19 credits), the 33 liberal education credits, and the 10 education credits for teacher certification. 






CSD 100 Survey of CSD 3 cr.

CSD 105 Community Involvement 1 cr.

ENG 105 Expository Writing 4 cr. (C1)

PHI/RLS Core Course 3 cr. (C4)

General elective course 1 cr.

CSD 204 Anatomy & Physiology 4 cr.

CSD 225 Hearing Disorders 3 cr.

Lab Science Core course 4 cr. (C5)

PSY 110 or 111 Found. of Psych. 3 cr. (C8)

World Lang. Core Course 3 cr. (C3)             


CSD 109 Phonetics 4 cr.

CSD 240 Lang. Dev. 3 cr.

CSD 385 Voice and Resonance 2 cr.

CSD 386 Foundations of Fluency 2 cr.

EPY 241 Intro to Statistics 3 cr.

PSY 363 Abnormal Psych or PSY 420 Cognitive Psych 3 cr.             

World Lang. Core Course 3 cr. (C3)

CSD 219 Speech Sound Disorders 4 cr.

CSD 245 Intro to Research 3cr.

CSD 345 Language Disorders 3 cr.

PHY 100 Intro to Physics 3 cr.


CSD 346 Cognition, Communication & Behavior 3cr.

CSD 360 Clinical Methods 3 cr.

CSD 360L Supervised Observation 1 cr.

EDU 300 Foundations of Education 3 cr.

SWK 114 Self-Aware & Social Rel. 3 cr.

CSC 104 Education Computing 3 cr. (C7)

CSD 370 Clinical Practicum 1 cr.

CSD 371 Clinical Practicum Seminar 1 cr.

CSD 430 Aural Rehabilitation 3 cr.

EPY 244 Child/Adolescent Dev. 4 cr.

EPY 350 Educational Psych. 3 cr.

SED 450 Speech-Lang. in Schools 3 cr.


CSD 490 Undergraduate Capstone 2 cr.

History Core course 3 cr. (C9)

Literature Core course 4 cr. (C2)

COM/ECO/POS/SOC Core course 3cr. (C8)

Math. Reasoning Core course 3cr. (C6)  

CSD 575 Counseling 3cr.

CSD 530 Language Disorders in Adults 3cr.

CSD 525 Language in School-Aged Children 3 cr.

CSD 533 Fluency Disorders 3cr.


12 graduate credits






120 credits earned in 4 years, including 12 graduate credits

Sample Graduate Couse Sequence for Semesters 2 Through 5 to complete the Master's degree:


Graduate Semester

2 Summer

3 Fall

4 Spring

5 Summer



CSD 580 First Practicum-2 cr

CSD 581 Practicum Seminar- 2 cr.

CSD 594 Speech Sound Disorders-3 cr.

CSD 522 Voice Disorders- 3 cr.

CSD 587 Student Teaching- 2 cr.

CSD 545 Audiology- 3 cr.

CSD 536 Swallowing Disorders-3 cr.

CSD 524 Language Disorders Infants-3 cr.

CSD 586 Council of Effective Comm.-1 cr.

CSD 589 Specialty Clinic- 1 cr.

CSD 535 Motor Speech Disorders-3 cr.

CSD 537 Acquired Cognitive Disorders-3 cr.

CSD Elective -3 cr.

CSD 585 Adult Practicum- 2 cr.

CSD 590 Capstone- 1 cr.

CSD 593 Research Methods-3 cr.

CSD 548 AAC-3 cr.

CSD Elective-3 cr.

CSD 999-0 cr.



10 credits


11 credits


11 credits


12 credits



Requirements for the Communication Sciences and Disorders MSED program can be found in our current Graduate Catalog.


Criteria for Remaining in the Accelerated Program Entered as First Year:

  1. No grade in CSD courses less than a B.
  2. A grade of “pass” on the undergraduate clinical placement.
  3. No ongoing concerns regarding attainment of professional qualities.
  4. Meeting with the academic advisor at least one time each semester.
  5. Overall GPA for undergraduate courses must not drop below a 2.75.
  6. Students can receive no more than one C in a graduate level course. A second C in a graduate level course will result in dismissal from the program.

Criteria for Acceptance into the Accelerated Program Entered in the Junior Year:

  1. A grade of B+ of better in the following courses taken during the first and sophomore years: CSD 100,109, 204, 219, 240, 225, 345.
  2. A minimum overall GPA of 3.25.
  3. Successful completion of an interview and spontaneous writing sample.
  4. Department endorsement.
  5. No ongoing PQA concerns.
  6. Email indicating interest in this program can be send to Dave DeBonis at

Sample Course Sequence for Students Whose Goal is to Apply for the Accelerated BS+MSED Program at the End of Their Sophomore Year:

During the first and sophomore years, students would follow the typical CSD course sequence already provided for non-transfers starting in the Fall. Those qualified to enter the accelerated program would begin an accelerated sequence in the junior year.  What follows is a sample and adjustments can be made depending on the needs of the student.

This guide includes required courses with CSD prefixes (45 credits), specific required courses without CSD prefixes (19 credits), the 33 liberal education credits, and the 10 education credits for teacher certification. 







CSD 100 Survey of CSD 3 cr.

CSD 105 Community Involvement 1 cr.

ENG 105 Expository Writing 4 cr. (C1)

PHI/ RLS Core course 3 cr. (C4)

PSY 110 or 111 Found. of Psych. 3 cr. (C8)

CSD 204 A & P 4 cr.

CSD 225 Hearing Disorders 3 cr.

World Language Core Course 3 cr. (C3)

History Core course 3 cr. (C9)

BIO lab science Core course 4 cr. (C5)



CSD 109 Phonetics 4 cr.

CSD 240 Lang. Dev. 3 cr.

CSD 385 Voice and Resonance 2 cr.

CSD 386 Foundations of Fluency 2 cr.

World Language Core course 3 cr. (C3)        General elective course 1 cr.

CSD 219 Speech Sound Disorders 4 cr.

CSD 345 Language Disorders 3 cr.

PHY 100 Intro. To Physics 3 cr.

Math. Reasoning Core course 3cr. (C6)

EPY 350 Educational Psych. 3 cr. 


NOTE: At the end of this semester, the student would have adequate credits and courses to be reviewed for admittance into the Accelerated Program.



CSD 346 Cognition, Communication & Behavior 3cr.

CSD 360 Clinical Methods 3 cr.

CSD 360L Supervised Observation 1 cr.

EDU 300 Foundations of Education 3 cr.

EPY 241 Intro to Statistics 3 cr.

PSY 363 Abnormal Psych or PSY 420 Cognitive Psych 3 cr. 

CSD 245 Intro to Research 3cr.

CSD 370 Clinical Practicum 1 cr.

CSD 371 Clinical Practicum Seminar 1 cr.

CSD 430 Aural Rehabilitation 3 cr.

SED 450 Speech-Lang. in Schools 3 cr. Literature Core course 4 cr. (C2)





CSD 490 Undergraduate Capstone 2 cr.

EPY 244 Child/Adolescent. Dev. 4 cr.

SWK 114 Self-Aware & Social Rel. 3 cr.

COM/ECO/POS/SOC Core course 3cr. (C8)

CSC 104 Education Computing 3 cr. (L7)

CSD 575 Counseling 3 cr.

CSD 530 Language Disorders in Adults 3 cr.

CSD 525 Language in School-Aged Children 3 cr.

CSD 533 Fluency Disorder 3 cr.



12 graduate credits







120 credits earned in 4 years, including 12 graduate credits



Sample Graduate Couse Sequence for Semesters 2 Through 5 to complete the Master's degree:


Graduate Semester

2 Summer

3 Fall

4 Spring

5 Summer



CSD 580 First Practicum-2 cr.

CSD 581 Practicum Seminar- 2 cr.

CSD 594 Speech Sound Disorders-3 cr.

CSD 522 Voice Disorders- 3 cr.






CSD 587 Student Teaching- 2 cr.

CSD 545 Audiology- 3 cr.

CSD 536 Swallowing Disorders-3 cr.

CSD 524: Language Disorders Infants-3 cr.







CSD 586 Council of Effective Comm.-1 cr.

CSD 589 Specialty Clinic- 1 cr.

CSD 535 Motor Speech Disorders-3 cr.

CSD 537 Acquired Cognitive Disorders-3 cr.

CSD Elective -3 cr.






CSD 585 Adult Practicum- 2 cr.

CSD 590 Capstone- 1 cr.

CSD 590 Research Methods-3 cr.

CSD 548 AAC-3 cr.

CSD Elective-3 cr.

CSD 999 Comps- 0 cr.









10 credits


11 credits


11 credits


12 credits



Requirements for the Communication Sciences and Disorders MSED Program can be found in the current Graduate Catalog.


Criteria for Remaining in the Accelerated Program Entered in the Junior Year:

  1. No grade in CSD courses less than a B.
  2. A grade of “pass” on the undergraduate clinical placement.
  3. No ongoing concerns regarding attainment of professional qualities.
  4. Meeting with the academic advisor at least one time each semester.
  5. Overall GPA for undergraduate courses must not drop below a 2.75.
  6. Students can receive no more than one C in a graduate level course. A second C in a graduate level course will result in dismissal from the program.

Criteria for Acceptance into the Accelerated Program Entered as a Transfer Student:

  1. A minimum of 45 credits completed at another institution(s).
  2. Minimum overall GPA of 3.2 or at least 3.2 in the last 30 credits taken.
  3. Letter of recommendation from a faculty member (from either Saint Rose or the institution from which the student transferred) who can comment on your academic performance and potential for success in an advanced program.
  4. Successful completion of an interview and a spontaneous writing sample.
  5. Email indicating interest in this program can be sent to Dave DeBonis at


Sample Course Sequence for Students Entering the Accelerated BS+MSED Program as a Transfer Student:

Note: In this sample sequence, the transfer student has completed CSD 100 (Survey of Communication Disorders) or it can be added to the first semester of study. In addition, students would also have a course in the following: biological science (with a lab), physical science, child development, and a number of liberal arts courses, including an introductory psychology course. Advanced placement courses from high school will also be considered.

The courses included in this sample sequence represent specific degree requirements, which are the courses that most transfer students have not already taken. This sample does not include Core course requirements. Students who transfer in fewer courses referred to above can still apply for the Accelerated program but should plan on adding one or more semesters to this timeline. 






1 and 2


CSD 100 Survey of CSD 3 cr.

CSD 105 Community Involvement 1 cr.

CSD 109 Phonetics 4 cr.

CSD 240 Lang. Dev. 3 cr.


CSD 204 Anatomy & Physiology 4 cr.

CSD 225 Hearing Disorders 3 cr.

CSD 219 Speech Sound Disorders 4 cr

CSD 245 Intro to Research 3cr.

CSD 345 Language Disorders 3 cr.


3 and 4


CSD 385 Foundations of Fluency 2 cr.

CSD 386 Voice and Resonance 2 cr.

CSD 346 Cognition, Communication & Behavior 3cr.

CSD 360 Clinical Methods 3 cr.

CSD 360L Supervised Observation 1 cr.


CSD 370 Clinical Practicum 1 cr.

CSD 371 Clinical Practicum Seminar 1 cr.

CSD 490 Undergraduate Capstone 2 cr.

SED 450 Speech-Lang. in Schools 3 cr.

CSD 430 Aural Rehabilitation 3 cr.

CSD 575 Counseling 3cr.


5 and 6


CSD 535 Motor Speech Dis. 3 cr.

CSD 522 Voice Disorders 3cr.

CSD Elective 3 cr.

CSD 594 Speech Sound Disorders 3 cr.


CSD 580 First Practicum 2 cr.

CSD 581 Practicum Seminar 2 cr.

CSD 525 Language in School-Aged Children 3 cr.

CSD 533 Fluency Disorders 3cr.


7 and 8


CSD 587 Student Teaching 2 cr.

CSD 536 Swallowing Disorders 3 cr.

CSD 524: Language Disorders Infants 3 cr.

CSD 530 Language Disorders in Adults 3 cr.


CSD 586 Council Effect. Comm. 1 cr.

CSD 589 Specialty Clinic 1 cr.

CSD 590 Capstone 1 cr.

CSD 593 Research Methods 3 cr.

CSD 548 AAC-3 cr.





CSD 585 Adult Practicum- 2 cr.

CSD 545 Audiology- 3 cr.

CSD 537 Cognitive Disor. 3 cr.

CSD Elective 3 cr.

CSD 999 Comps 0 cr. 



Requirements for the Communication Sciences and Disorders MSED program can be found in the current Graduate Catalog.


Criteria for Remaining in the Accelerated Program Entered at as a Transfer Student:

  1. No grade in CSD courses less than a B.
  2. A grade of “pass” on the undergraduate clinical placement.
  3. No ongoing concerns regarding attainment of professional qualities. 
  4. Meeting with the academic advisor at least one time each semester.
  5. Overall GPA for undergraduate courses must not drop below a 2.75.
  6. Students can receive no more than one C in a graduate level course. A second C in a graduate level course will result in dismissal from the program.


Career Opportunities and Graduate Study:

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Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid: