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Music-Music Industry – BS

Program Overview:

The Music Industry program enables creative musicians who have a desire to forge a career in one of the many areas within today’s music industry the opportunity to engage in a multi-faceted course of study. The Music Industry program curriculum contains three areas of equal focus, which all students are engaged in: songwriting and composition, audio recording and music production, and music business and entrepreneurship. Music Industry program graduates are knowledgeable in the areas of music production, songwriting, composing, arranging, music technology, sound recording and reinforcement, artist management, intellectual property and music law.  Each student will complete an internship with a music company and a senior Capstone project consisting of a full-length album/LP written, produced, engineered, performed, and recorded in the Saints and Sinners Recording Studio.

The Music Industry program is housed in The Hearst Center for Communications and Interactive Media and the Massry Center for the Arts. These facilities provide access to state of the art recording studios, audio post-production rooms, television and radio studios, computer labs, and Studio G3 for showcases live performances. The Hearst Center fosters a creative and interactive environment in which young professionals take concepts and skills learned in the classroom and studio and apply them in pre-occupational settings. The Music Industry program at Saint Rose is a unique blend of progressive studies in contemporary music housed within a vibrant academic community.

Program Contacts:

Dr. Andrew McKenna Lee

Chair, Music Department


Program Webpage: Music Industry, BS

Program Requirements:


An audition/interview is required for everyone who wishes to major in Music at The College of Saint Rose. For examples of appropriate audition repertoire, please consult The College of Saint Rose Music webpage ( All Music Industry majors must demonstrate proficiency on an applied instrument or voice type at the audition. In addition to the audition requirements stated on the website for each instrument or voice area, applicants will also have an opportunity to present an original song or composition, a performance in a jazz, vernacular, rock/pop or commercial style, or to demonstrate facility on an additional instrument or voice.

Songwriting/Composition and Electronic Music/Production:


As an alternative to primary study on an instrument or voice type, Music Industry majors may apply to concentrate in Songwriting/Composition or Electronic Music/Production. These programs are designed for students who demonstrate exceptional ability across multiple disciplines including composition, songwriting, instrumental arranging, instrumental/vocal performance, and/or demonstrated creative capabilities using computer and software-based Digital Audio Workstations. If desired, applicants will also be considered for acceptance into a voice or instrumental area of study in the event they are not accepted into the Songwriting/Composition or Electronic Music/Production programs.

For information about auditions, including required and suggested music to perform, please consult the Music Department Audition webpage:


Transfer Credit and Advanced Placement Theory Credit:

Entering students with an advanced placement grade of 4 or 5 in the written and/or aural section of the AP Music Theory Exam will be advanced to MUS 201 Music Theory III and/or MUS 203 Advanced Ear Training and Sight Singing, respectively.

Acceptance of transfer credit will be evaluated at the time of entry by way of course placement tests in the appropriate areas at the time of audition and through a review of student transcripts. Based upon skill and work, music faculty may approve up to 4 semesters of applied lessons.

Applied Music:

All Music Industry majors are required to complete eight semesters of applied study on their major instrument or voice.  Repertoire Class and Music Convocation are required for seven semesters. Semester and annual juries are part of the assessment tools used in applied study.  Please consult specific syllabi for detailed requirements.

Music Industry majors concentrating in Songwriting/Composition or Electronic Music/Production will take Primary Applied Songwriting/Composition (MUS 397) in place of Applied Primary Instrument or Vocal lessons (MUS 393). They will also take MUS 300: Composition Seminar in place of MUS 100: Repertoire Class. Students in these applied areas are also required to fulfill 4 semesters of applied study in a secondary instrument or voice (MUS 394). Students may petition faculty to be exempted from this requirement via an audition that clearly demonstrates their proficiency on another instrument or voice.


Music Industry majors are required to participate in performing ensembles appropriate to their applied concentration for a minimum of seven semesters. All Music majors are required to earn a minimum of four credits of ensemble participation. All transfer Music majors are required to take a minimum of four semesters of their performing ensemble at The College of Saint Rose.

MUS 280 Music Industry Ensembles and Rose Record Label Group (RRLG)

MUS 287 Electric Guitar Ensemble

MUS 289 Symphony Orchestra

MUS 291 Saint Rose Chorale

MUS 292 Wind Ensemble 

MUS 299 Chamber Jazz Ensemble

Ensemble Placement and Auditions:

All Music Industry guitar and electric bass majors must audition for placement in MUS 280 Music Industry Ensembles and MUS 287 Electric Guitar Ensemble each semester. Participation in MUS 287 is required of all Music Industry guitar and electric bass majors, unless successfully placed in MUS 280, or MUS 299

Each semester, auditions and interviews are held to determine placement in MUS 280 ensembles, including sections of the Rose Record Label Group (RRLG).

Participation in MUS 291, MUS 289 or MUS 292 (as appropriate) is required of all Music Industry majors who do not participate in MUS 287, MUS 299 or MUS 280.

Capstone Project:

The Senior Capstone Project (MUS 453) is the culmination of the 45 specialized credits for the Music Industry major. A 3-credit course, it is standard that Senior Capstone Projects become the dominant academic unit for semester, depending on the vision and scope presented by the student in the proposal stage. In order to help successfully complete all aspects of the Senior Capstone Project (recording, editing, mixing, and mastering), students are not required to participate in performance-related courses, such as Repertoire Class (MUS100/300), Convocation (MUS 200), or performance ensembles, each of which have 7 semester requirements to fulfill the Music Industry major.

The Senior Capstone Project will be a full-length LP that requires the student to compose, record, perform, produce, and engineer all aspects of the album and present the final masters at the end of the semester as a playback presentation. Music Industry faculty must approve a proposal in order to begin the project.

Overall Music Student Requirements: 

Music majors are required to earn a minimum grade of C in all required music courses. Any and all of these courses in which a student receives a grade below C, are required to be repeated at Saint Rose until a grade of C or higher is attained.  

Music Theory Placement Exam: All entering music students, major and/or minor, will be required to take a Music Theory/Ear training placement test. Those students who do not achieve a passing score will be placed into MUS 110 (Fundamentals of Music) as a prerequisite to MUS 101 (Music Theory I) and MUS 103 (Ear Training I).

Concert Attendance Requirements: 

Students enrolled in music degree programs are required to attend five live performances per semester as a member of the audience. Performances that will fulfill the concert attendance requirement are those presented by college and university ensembles, college student recitals, college faculty recitals, professional orchestras, chamber ensembles, soloists, student playbacks and commercial music performances which are approved by the music faculty of the individual Repertoire classes (MUS 100/300).

Students are required to arrive before the beginning of the concert and stay until the end. For performances at The College of Saint Rose, students are required to submit programs signed by a member of the Saint Rose music faculty as evidence of attendance. For performances not at The College of Saint Rose, a ticket stub/receipt clearly indicating the concert date is required. These materials are to be submitted to their Repertoire Class instructor (MUS 100/300) in accordance with the class syllabus.

Piano Proficiency (MUS 484): 

The piano proficiency exam is administered during final exam week and may be taken during subsequent semesters until passed. Prerequisites: MUS 281 and MUS 282.

Core Curriculum

Music Theory and History (21 credits)

MUS 100Repertoire



MUS 300Composition Seminar


MUS 101Music Theory I


MUS 102Music Theory II


MUS 200Convocation


MUS 207Contemporary Harmony I


MUS 210Contemporary Harmony II


Instrumental/Vocal concentrators take MUS 100

Songwriting/Composition and Electronic Music/Production concentrators take MUS 300.

MUS 100 or MUS 300, and MUS 200 must be taken for 7 semesters.

Choose three courses:
MUS 253Jazz: Historical Overview


MUS 254History of Rock


MUS 301Music History 1


MUS 302Music History 2


Ear Training and Solfege (8 credits)

MUS 103Ear Training and Solfege


MUS 104Ear Training and Solfege


MUS 206Transc & Contemp Ear Train I


MUS 208Transc & Contemp Ear Train II


Keyboard Harmony (4 credits)

MUS 281Keyboard Harmony 3


MUS 282Keyboard Harmony 4


MUS 484Piano Proficiency


Applied Music (8 credits)

MUS 393Applied Music: Primary



MUS 397Applied Composition



MUS 394Secondary Applied Music



Performing Ensembles (7 semesters/4 credits)

Students must take Ensemble for 4 semesters at 1 credit and 3 semesters at 0-1 credit. Ensemble is based on applied area.

MUS 280Music Industry Ensembles

0 or 1

MUS 287Electric Guitar Ensemble

0 or 1

MUS 289Symphony Orchestra

0 or 1

MUS 291Saint Rose Chorale

0 or 1

MUS 292Wind Ensemble

0 or 1

MUS 299Jazz Chamber Ensemble

0 or 1

Music Industry

Commercial Music (10 credits)

MUS 253Jazz: Historical Overview



MUS 254History of Rock


MUS 334Orchestration & Instrumentation


MUS 351Jazz Arranging


MUS 352Songwriting


MUS 367Improvisation 1


Music Business (15 credits)

MUS 353Music Business Survey


MUS 358Artist Management


MUS 359Record Label & Publish Co


MUS 454Music Industry Internship


MUS 455Topics in: Music Industry


Music Technology (17 credits)

MUS 257Music Technology


MUS 354Intro to Pro Tools


MUS 350Recording Engineering


MUS 452Record Production


MUS 453Senior Studio Project/Seminar


Prerequisites for MUS 453: MUS 350, MUS 351, MUS 352, MUS 354 and MUS 452 with a B in each.

Music-Music Industry Major Summary (Total Credits 120)

Core Curriculum 45 
Commercial Music 10
Music Business 15
Music Technology 17
Liberal Education Courses** 33

** MUS 257 Music Technology fulfills the C7 Computational Logic and Reasoning Core Requirement.


Internship/Field Experiences/Service:

Required Course:

MUS 454Music Industry Internship


Culminating Academic Experiences:

Required Course:

MUS 453Senior Studio Project/Seminar


Suggested 4 Year Course Plan:

This suggested plan is designed to give students an idea of how to balance their coursework over 8 semesters and to graduate within 4 years. Most students will need to take a minimum of 30 credits each year in order to meet the graduation requirement of a minimum of 120 overall credits.  It should be used along with your Degree Works worksheet and in consultation with your faculty advisor. It is meant as a guide, not a definitive list of courses that must be taken as written. Your faculty advisor will help you make any necessary adjustments during advisement.


Year 1:


Fall (15 credits)

Spring (15 credits)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 100 or 300: Repertoire Class/Comp Seminar (0)

MUS 100 or 300: Repertoire Class/Comp Seminar (0)

MUS 200: Convocation (0)

MUS 200: Convocation (0)

Ensemble: MUS 280, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299 (1)

Ensemble: MUS  280, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299 (0)

MUS 101: Music Theory I (3)

MUS 102: Music Theory II (3)

MUS 103: Ear Training/SolfegeI (2)

MUS 104: Ear Training/Solfege II (2)

MUS 181: Keyboard Harmony (2) *

*If haven’t passed exam**

MUS 182: Keyboard Harmony II (2) *

*If haven’t passed exam*

MUS 353 Music Business Survey (3)

MUS 257 Music Tech (C7) (3)

ENG 105 (C1) (4)

Choice: Literature (C2) (3)



Year 2:


Fall (16 credits)

Spring (16 credits)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 100 or 300: Repertoire Class/Comp Seminar (0)

MUS 100 or 300: Repertoire Class/Comp Seminar (0)

MUS 200: Convocation (0)

MUS 200: Convocation (0)

Ensemble: MUS  280, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299 (1)

Ensemble: MUS  280, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299 (1)

MUS 207: Contemporary Harmony I (3)

MUS 210: Contemporary Harmony II (3)

MUS 206: Transcription and Contemporary Ear Training I (2)

MUS 208: Transcription and Contemporary Ear Training II (2)

MUS 281: Keyboard Harmony III (2)

MUS 282: Keyboard Harmony IV (2)

MUS 350 Recording Engineering (4)

MUS 452 Record Production (4)

MUS 359 Record Label or History (C9) (3)

MUS 359 Record Label or History (C9) (3)


MUS 484: Piano Proficiency (0)

Year 3:


Fall (15 credits)

Spring (15 credits)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 100 or 300: Repertoire Class/Comp Seminar (0)

MUS 100 or : Repertoire Class or Comp Seminar (0)

MUS 200: Convocation (0)

MUS 200: Convocation (0)

Ensemble:  280, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299 (1)

Ensemble:  280, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299 (1)

MUS 301 or MUS 253 Music History selection (3)

MUS 302 or MUS 254 Music History selection (3)  

MUS 354 Intro to Pro Tools (3)

MUS 334 Orchestration (3)   

MUS 367 Improv 1 (1)

Lab Science (C5) (4)        

Math (C6) (3)

MUS 358 Artist Management (3)    

MUS 352 Songwriting (3)



Year 4:


Fall (16 credits)

Spring (13 credits)

MUS 454 Internship (3)

MUS 453 Senior Project (3)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 393 or 397: Applied Music or Composition (1)

MUS 100 or 300: Repertoire Class/Comp Seminar (0)

Language other than English (C3) (3)

MUS 200: Convocation (0)

Social Scientific Knowledge (C8) (3)

MUS 351 Jazz Arranging (3)

MUS 302 or MUS 254 Music History selection (3)

Ensemble: MUS 280, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299 (1)


MUS 455 Topics MI (3)


Social Scientific Knowledge (C8) (3)  
 MUS 301 or MUS 253 Music History selection (3)  
 Philosophy & Religion (C4) (3)  

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