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2023-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
> HIS - History
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ACC - Accounting
ARA - Arabic
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CEP - College Experience Program
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CJS - Criminal Justice
COM - Communications
CSC - Computer Science
CSD - Communication Sciences and Disorders
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
ENG - English
EPY - Educational Psychology
ESC - Earth Science
EXY - Exploratory Program
FPY - Forensic Psychology
FRE - French
FSC - Forensic Science
GRK - Greek
HIS - History
IEC - Inclusive Early Childhood Ed
ITA - Italian
MAT - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NSG - Nursing
PBH - Public Health
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POR - Portuguese
POS - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RLS - Religious Studies
RTC - Military Leadership - ROTC
RUS - Russian
SCI - Science
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SEE - Spec Educ Elem Educ
SIE - Special Inclusion Education
SLG - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
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HIS - History
HIS 100 Intro:History & Politics
HIS 180 Spec Topics
HIS 200 Women in the US
HIS 202 Women in European History
HIS 204 Social Studies Economics
HIS 207 Urban America
HIS 209 Century of Genocide
HIS 210 Revolutionary France 1789-1880
HIS 211 Europe to 1500
HIS 212 Europe & Modern World
HIS 213 Fndtns of Europe:Antiq-Mid Age
HIS 214 Modern Europe
HIS 217 Mod Britain 1815-present
HIS 219 Modern Britain 1815-Present
HIS 220 US Gilded Age & Progress Era
HIS 223 US History since 1865:Survey
HIS 224 US History to 1865: Survey
HIS 225 New York State History
HIS 226 US History to 1865
HIS 227 US History since 1865
HIS 228 US Environmental History
HIS 232 Discovering China
HIS 233 Experiencing China
HIS 236 E Asian Civiliz to 1800
HIS 237 E Asian Civ to 1800
HIS 238 Modern Asia
HIS 239 Modern E Asia
HIS 240 U.S. and World Affairs
HIS 247 Intro to Caribbean History
HIS 248 Lat Amer Conquest & Colonial
HIS 250 Origin/Dev Modrn Latin America
HIS 251 Latin American Modernization
HIS 252 Peoples & Cultures of Africa
HIS 260 Africans in Transatlantic Wrld
HIS 261 African-Amer Hist to 1863
HIS 262 African-Amer Hist since 1863
HIS 265 Modern Africa
HIS 266 Modern Africa
HIS 267 African History before 1885
HIS 268 African History bef 1885
HIS 280 Special Topics
HIS 300 Wrld Historical&Political Geog
HIS 312 Renaissance and Reformation
HIS 313 European Empires
HIS 314 European Soc & Intell History
HIS 315 Britain and the Modern World
HIS 317 Wmn, Wrk, Family Mod Europe
HIS 318 War & Revol:Eur 1900-1945
HIS 332 Revolution to Republic
HIS 339 Mao & Chinese Revolution
HIS 340 Late Imperial China
HIS 342 Modern China
HIS 346 Chinese Women's History
HIS 347 Cities in Chinese History
HIS 349 China and the World
HIS 357 Mexico
HIS 367 The Black Atlantic
HIS 368 Urban America
HIS 370 The Great Migration
HIS 372 American Dreams
HIS 380 Special Topics
HIS 383 Recent US History
HIS 384 Spec Topics: African History
HIS 385 Spec Topics: Asian History
HIS 386 Spec Topics: European History
HIS 387 Spec Topics:Latin Amer History
HIS 388 Spec topics: US History
HIS 490 Directed Readings
HIS 494 Field Experience
HIS 498 Capstone Seminar
HIS 499 Independent Study