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SWK 675 HumDiv, SpPop& Soc Det of Hlth

This course examines disparities in health outcomes and quality of life relating to access to resources, opportunities, power, and quality of care for persons disadvantaged by marginalizing social and behavioral factors. Such factors will be examined through an intersectional lens and include: income, education, employment, race, ability, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation. This course will prepare students to critically examine the root causes and contributing factors that have shaped such disparities and injustices in the United States through historical and theoretical frameworks. Each week involves assessment and Intervention and relevant diagnostic activity in the form of case studies to learn the material and practice assessment and intervention with diverse population groups. Assessment of social identity across the lifespan and its impact on assessment and intervention, as well as the impact of trauma and its clinical impact on diverse groups is addressed throughout the course. Students will also critically evaluate social policies related to the exacerbation and resolution of well-being and health inequities. This course provides students with tools for advocating inclusive improvement to the health and well-being of all sectors of society.




Clinical - 2 credits