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Performance – BM **No new applications are being accepted**

Program Overview:

The Bachelor of Music in Performance is intended for music majors who desire a more rigorous and intensive focus on individual performance, both in studies and as a professional career. As such, courses have been designed to assist majors not only in developing their instrument, but in learning about literature, performance practice, and pedagogical approaches. Also included are courses in entrepreneurship, networking and self-promotion, preparation for auditions, and developing teaching studios and other forms of employment. The degree prepares students to understand and navigate the multi-faceted world of the professional musician, which includes preparing for graduate study and the beginning of their career.

Program Contacts:

Dr. Sherwood Wise

Chair, Music Department


Dr. David Bebe

BM in Performance Coordinator


Program Webpage: BM in Performance

Program Requirements:


An audition with members of the Music Department faculty is required for everyone who wishes to major in Music at The College of Saint Rose. For audition information and examples of appropriate audition repertoire, please consult the College of Saint Rose Music Website:

Transfer Credit and Advanced Placement Theory Credit

Entering students with an advanced placement grade of 4 or 5 in the written and/or aural section of the AP Music Theory Exam will be advanced to MUS 201 Music Theory III and/or MUS 203 Ear Training and Sight Singing, respectively.

Acceptance of transfer credit will be evaluated at the time of entry by way of course placement tests in the appropriate areas at the time of audition and through a review of student transcripts. Based upon skill and work, music faculty may approve up to 4 semesters of applied lessons.

Music Talent Awards

Music talent awards and academic scholarships are available to qualified entering students on the basis of their musical and academic abilities. Music talent scholarship recipients are required maintain a minimum average of 3.0 in their music courses and a minimum cumulative average of 2.0. Those who perform at an acceptable level on a secondary instrument or voice that may serve the needs of Department ensembles are also eligible for awards. 

As part of the responsibility for accepting this award, students will be required to perform in 1 to 2 ensembles in addition to the required major performing ensemble, as determined by the Talent Award Committee. This responsibility is required for eight semesters for Music Performance majors. Students seeking scholarship beyond the standard 8-semester sequence may submit their request to the Talent Award Committee for consideration (contact the Music Department for more information).

Any student, regardless of major or applied area, who receives a Talent Award scholarship as a result of a string audition will have MUS 289 Symphony Orchestra as their first Talent Award assignment. If the case that MUS 289 Symphony Orchestra is a required ensemble for that semester, other performing ensembles can serve as the student's first Talent Award assignment. In the case that there are four or more double basses in MUS 289 Symphony Orchestra, Music Industry double bassists may be assigned another ensemble as their first Talent Award assignment. 

Applied Music

Applied music instruction on principal instrument or voice is required of all Music majors. All Music Performance majors are required to complete eight semesters of applied study on their major instrument at 2 credits per semester. Repertoire Class and Music Convocation are required for each semester registered for applied lessons. Students are required to successfully complete an Upper Divisional Jury at the end of their fourth semester of applied lessons. Semester and annual juries are part of the assessment tools used in applied study.  Please consult specific syllabi for detailed requirements.

Major Ensembles

Music Performance majors are required to participate in the major performing ensemble appropriate to their applied concentration for eight semesters. All transfer students are required to take a minimum of four semesters of their major performing ensemble at The College of Saint Rose.

MUS 289 Symphony Orchestra: Participation in this ensemble is required of all music majors whose applied area is violin, viola, cello, double bass or harp.

MUS 291 Masterworks Chorale: Participation in this ensemble is required of all vocal and piano Music Performance majors.

MUS 292 Wind Ensemble: Participation in this ensemble is required of all Music Education, brass, woodwind and percussion majors.

MUS 290 Symphonic Band may be substituted in this area for proper placement after an approved successful audition each semester.

Small Ensembles

All Music Performance majors are required to register and successfully participate in Chamber Ensembles for a minimum of 6 semesters.  These ensembles include: Jazz Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Chamber Choir, Brass Choir, Flute Choir, Woodwind Quintet, Double Reed Ensemble, Brass Quintet, Trombone Choir, Chamber Winds, Madrigal Singers, Opera Workshop, Women’s Chorale, Baroque Flute Ensemble, Men's Glee Club, Clarinet Choir, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Mixed Vocal/Instrumental Ensemble, Vocal/String/Piano Chamber Music Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Strings.

All music majors may participate in non-required major and small ensembles as well. 

Overall Music Student Requirements

Music majors are required to earn a minimum grade of C in all required music courses. Any and all of these courses in which a student receives a grade below C, are required to be repeated at Saint Rose until a grade of C or higher is attained.  

Music Department Listening List: Music students will be assessed on their knowledge of and familiarity with a body of music literature selected by the music faculty in MUS 302.

Music Theory Placement Exam: All entering music students, major and/or minor, will be required to take a Music Theory/Ear training placement test. Those students who do not achieve a passing score will be placed into MUS 110 (Fundamentals of Music) as a prerequisite to MUS 101 (Music Theory I) and MUS 103 Ear Training I).

Concert Attendance Requirements

Students enrolled in music degree programs are required to attend ten live performances per semester as a member of the audience. Performances that will fulfill the concert attendance requirement are those presented by college and university ensembles, college student recitals, college faculty recitals, professional orchestras, chamber ensembles, soloists, student playbacks and selected commercial music performances which are approved by the music faculty of the individual Repertoire classes (MUS 100).

Students are required to arrive before the beginning of the concert and stay until the end. For performances at The College of Saint Rose, students are required to submit programs signed by a member of the Saint Rose music faculty as evidence of attendance. If attending performances not at The College of Saint Rose, a program signed at the concert by a concert participant, or someone related to the performance, is required. The programs are to be submitted to their Repertoire Class Instructor (MUS 100) in accordance with the class syllabus.

Piano Proficiency (MUS 484)

All Music Performance majors are required to pass the piano proficiency prior to student teaching. It is administered during final exam week and may be taken during subsequent semesters until passed. Prerequisites: MUS 281 and MUS 282.

Core Curriculum (36 credits)

Music Theory and History (21 credits)

MUS 101Music Theory I


MUS 102Music Theory II


MUS 201Music Theory III


MUS 202Form/Analysis West/Non-W Music


MUS 260Introduction to Musical Style


MUS 301Music History 1


MUS 302Music History 2


Ear Training and Solfege (8 credits)

MUS 103Ear Training and Solfege


MUS 104Ear Training and Solfege


MUS 203Ear Training/Solfege III


MUS 204Ear Training/Solfege IV


Keyboard Harmony (4 credits)

MUS 281Keyboard Harmony 3


MUS 282Keyboard Harmony 4


MUS 484Piano Proficiency


MUS 181 and MUS 182 are required for students who have had little or no previous piano experience.

Conducting (3 credits)

MUS 221Instrumental Conducting I



MUS 224Choral Conducting


MUS 221 is required of all music majors whose applied area is a string, wind or percussion instrument. MUS 224 is required of all music majors whose applied area is voice or piano.

Performance Core (22 credits)

MUS 100Repertoire


MUS 200Convocation


MUS 390Junior Recital


MUS 392Applied Music: Primary


MUS 422Perf and Audition Preparation


MUS 423Music Entrepreneurship


MUS 490Capstone Project


8 semesters each of MUS 100, MUS 200, and MUS 392.

Major Performing Ensembles (8 semesters/8 credits)

Students must take Ensemble for 8 semesters at 1 credit. Ensemble is based on applied area.

MUS 289Symphony Orchestra

0 or 1

MUS 290Symphonic Band

0 or 1

MUS 291Masterworks Chorale

0 or 1

MUS 292Wind Ensemble

0 or 1

Small Ensembles (6 semesters)

Students must take Small Ensemble for 6 semesters at either 0 or 1 credit.


Instrumental (9 credits)

MUS 324Instrumental Literature


MUS 325Instrumental Pedagogy


MUS 327Chamber Music Literature


MUS 421Perf Styles and Improvisation


Keyboard (9 credits)

MUS 322Piano Pedagogy


MUS 323Piano Literature and Pedagogy


MUS 327Chamber Music Literature


MUS 421Perf Styles and Improvisation


Vocal (9 credits)

MUS 326Vocal Literature


MUS 434Vocal Diction


MUS 435Vocal Pedagogy


MUS 436Advanced Vocal Diction


Culminating Academic Experiences:

Required Course

MUS 490Capstone Project


Professional Accreditation:

The College of Saint Rose, sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province, is chartered by the Board of Regents of New York State. All of its degrees and programs are registered and its professional programs fully approved by the Board of Regents through the New York State Education Department.

The College of Saint Rose is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (267-284-5000) The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

The Department of Music at The College of Saint Rose is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music, a specialized accrediting agency recognized by the U. S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Career Opportunities and Graduate Studies:

Music graduates may find employment in public and private studios, as well as in community organizations, and professional musical organizations (chorus, orchestra, etc.) and will expand their professional opportunities as a solo artist as well. other employment opportunities within education. Our music graduates have gone on to pursue advanced study in some of the most prestigious music schools in the country.

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

The Undergraduate Admissions Office begins review of Freshman applications each fall in late September for the following Fall. Students are encouraged to submit a complete an application as early as November. The Admissions Team will return a decision on complete applications within just three weeks. The College awards academic scholarships at the same time.

What Makes an Application Complete

  • Online or Paper application (fee waived for online applicants!)
  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official Transcripts for any College Level Courses
  • SAT or ACT scores  (See Test Optional FAQ's)
  • Letter of Recommendation from a Counselor or Teacher
  • Essay or Graded Paper
  • Applicants may also apply via the Common Application Online.
  • Art applicants are required to complete a portfolio review.

Admissions contact information (telephone number, admissions web pages)

Scholarships and Financial Aid

See Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid section for more information.

The Bottom Line

The total cost of The College of Saint Rose (including tuition, fees, room and board) is one of the lowest of any private college in the Northeast, and we still award more than $25 million in Saint Rose scholarships, grants and financial aid.

Take a look at our bottom line, and view a cost comparison with a four-year public institution.

More about Financial Aid

Financial Aid is defined as any grant, scholarship, loan, or employment opportunity given with the express purpose of assisting you with education-related expenses to make you education affordable. Financial Aid is awarded on the basis of student need and the availability of funds.

The Admission and Financial Aid teams have designed a Guide to Scholarships and Financial Aid to help prospective students and families get to the bottom line and find that The College of Saint Rose is one of the lowest of any private college in the Northeast--while maintaining powerful academic opportunities.

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