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Computer Science/Information Technology – BS/MS **No new applications are being accepted**

Program Overview:

The Computer Science Department offers two B.S./M.S. options. Exceptional students of superior academic ability have the opportunity to accelerate their degree progress. Students can earn their B.S. in either Information Technology or Computer Science, and also earn their M.S. in Information Technology.

Either combined B.S./M.S. option allows students to fulfill the requirements of the undergraduate and master’s degrees, which require 122 and 33 credits, respectively, for a total of 155 credits. Students must write a plan of study for the department’s curriculum committee to challenge 3-15 credits of this total. The plan of study may incorporate advanced standing, independent study, and advanced courses which, when approved, can reduce the total B.S./M.S. credits to 140 credits. Required undergraduate CSC and Mathematics courses, liberal arts requirements, and M.S. requirements may not be challenged.

Program Contacts:

Professor John Avitabile

Chair, Computer Science Department


Program Webpage:  Computer Science, BS, Information Technolgoy, MS

Program Requirements:


Summary B.S./M.S. requirements

Liberal Education requirements 41
Undergraduate Computer Science Major 61
Graduate Information Technology requirements 33
Free electives 20
Subtotal 155
Less potential challenge credits (3-15)
Total 140-152

Once accepted for this program, students do not obtain a degree until all course work is completed; then they are awarded two degrees – the B.S. in either Information Technology or Computer Science, and the M.S. in Information Technology. After admission to the program, the student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.8 and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all CSC courses (undergraduate and graduate) completed. No undergraduate CSC course with a grade of lower than C+ will be accepted for graduation. No grade less than B in CSC 202, CSC 252, CSC 302, and CSC 321 will be accepted for graduation. All other graduate curriculum requirements apply.

Major in Computer Science (61 credits)

CSC 202Intro to Programming


CSC 252Problem Solving w/JAVA


CSC 302Data Structures


CSC 321Database Mgmt Systems


CSC 332Microcomp Arch & Prog


CSC 381Programming UNIX with C


CSC 431Algorithms


CSC 432Operating Systems


CSC 433Programming Languages


CSC 434Software Engineering


MAT 190Calculus 1


MAT 191Calculus 2


MAT 184Elementary Statistics



MAT 372Introduction to Probability


MAT 295Discrete Math Structures



CSC 295Discrete Mathematics


CSC 202 and CSC 252 may each be taken only twice without faculty permission.

CSC electives at the 300- or 400-level (13 credits)

CSC electives: Dual Math/Computer Science majors may substitute a 200-level or above MAT course for a CSC elective.

Graduate Information Technology Requirements (33 credits)

Core Requirements (24 Credits)

CSC 501Data Struct/Algorithm Analysis


CSC 502Computer Organization


CSC 503Database Theory & Design


CSC 504Data Communications


CSC 505User Interface Design



CSC 541Networking


CSC 506Advanced Programming


CSC 507Software Engineering


CSC 538System Administration



CSC 571Big Data Programming


CSC 507 serves as a capstone experience and is typically taken as the last core requirement.

A student with sufficient experience that is equivalent to a required/core course may substitute (with departmental approval) an additional elective course or independent study.

CSC Elective (6 Credits)

CSC XXXComputer Science Elective


CSC XXXComputer Science Elective


Independent studies (CSC 598) can be used with department approval. 

Research Requirement (3 Credits)

Students must choose one of the options below to complete their research requirement.

CSC 593Master's Research Seminar


CSC 595Project-Based Internship


CSC 596Research Master's Project


CSC 597Master's Project


For those interested in honors-level undergraduate research, please refer to the Honors Research section.

Internship/Field Experiences/Service:

Elective Course:

CSC 494Internship

1 to 6

Culminating Academic Experiences:

Required Courses:

Students will select one of the graduate courses to complete their requirements.

CSC 434Software Engineering


CSC 593Master's Research Seminar


CSC 595Project-Based Internship


CSC 596Research Master's Project


CSC 597Master's Project


Suggested 5 Year Course Plan:

Most students will need to take a minimum of 30 credits for their first four years and 18 credits in their fifth year in order to meet the graduation requirement of a minimum of 140 overall credits.  It should be used along with your Degree Works worksheet and in consultation with your faculty advisor. It is meant as a guide, not a definitive list of courses that must be taken as written. Your faculty advisor will help you make any necessary adjustments during advisement.  Taking the minimum number of credits every semester will not guarantee on-time graduation.

Year 1

Fall (15-16 credits)
CSC 202 Intro to Computer Science (4cr)
MAT 190 Calculus 1 (4cr)
ENG 105 Expository Writing, Oral Comm. and Research (4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Spring (15 credits)
CSC 252 Problem Solving with Java (4cr)
CSC 321 Database Management Systems (4cr)
MAT 191 Calculus 2 (4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Year 2

Fall (14-15 credits)
CSC 302 Data Structures (4cr)
CSC/MAT 295 Discrete Mathematical Structures (3cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Spring (15-16 credits)
CSC 332 Microcomputer Architecture (3cr)

CSC Elective (3cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Lib. Ed. requirement (3-4cr)

Year 3

Fall (13-15 credits)
CSC 431 Algorithms (3cr)
CSC 381 Programming UNIX with C (3cr)
MAT 184 Elementary Statistics or MAT 372 Introduction to Probability (3-4cr)
General Elective (3-4cr)

Spring (15-17 credits)
CSC 563 Operating Systems (3cr)
CSC Elective (3cr)
Further Disciplinary Study – second course in an L0 area (3cr)
General Elective (6-8cr)

Year 4

Fall (14-17 credits)
CSC 564 Programming Languages (3cr)

CSC Grad Elective (3cr)
Lib. Ed. requirement (2cr)
General Electives (6-8cr)                                

Spring (15 credits)
CSC 434 Software Engineering (3cr)

CSC 538 System Administration (3cr)

CSC Grad Elective (3cr)
General Electives (6cr)

Year 5

Fall (9 credits)
CSC 503 Database (3cr)

CSC 504 Data Communications (3cr)
CSC 505 User Interface Design (3cr)                          

Spring (9 credits)
CSC 595 Project-Based Internship (3cr)
CSC 502 Computer Organization (3cr)
CSC Grad Elective (3cr)

Professional Accreditation:

The College of Saint Rose, sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province, is chartered by the Board of Regents of New York State. All of its degrees and programs are registered and its professional programs fully approved by the Board of Regents through the New York State Education Department.

The College of Saint Rose is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (267-284-5000) The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Career Opportunities and Graduate Study:


The skills you acquire will put you in demand for some of the hottest jobs in information technology. Majors will acquire the knowledge to advance into positions in computer programming, systems analysis, systems design, Internet programming and information systems management. Students will also be prepared to attend graduate programs in their field.


Computer science students receive industry specific training on the same hardware and software they will encounter in the "real world." And, since Saint Rose is located in the heart of New York's Tech Valley, internship opportunities in the computer industry abound.

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

The Undergraduate Admissions Office begins review of First-Year applications each fall in late September for the following Fall. Students are encouraged to submit a complete application as early as October. The Admissions Team will return a decision on complete applications within just three weeks. The College awards academic scholarships at the same time.

What Makes an Application Complete

  • Online or Paper application (fee waived for all applicants!)
  • Official High School Transcripts
  • Official Transcripts for any College Level Courses
  • SAT or ACT scores  (See Test Optional FAQ's)
  • Letter of Recommendation from a Counselor or Teacher
  • Essay or Graded Paper
  • Applicants may also apply via the Common Application Online.
  • Art applicants are required to complete a portfolio review.
  • Music applicants are required to complete an audition.

Admissions contact information (telephone number, admissions web pages)

Scholarships and Financial Aid

See Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid section for more information.

The Bottom Line

The total cost of The College of Saint Rose (including tuition, fees, room and board) is one of the lowest of any private college in the Northeast, and we award more than $34 million in Saint Rose scholarships, grants and financial aid.

Take a look at our bottom line, and view a cost comparison with a four-year public institution.

More about Financial Aid

Financial Aid is defined as any grant, scholarship, loan, or employment opportunity given with the express purpose of assisting you with education-related expenses to make your education affordable. Financial Aid is awarded on the basis of student need and the availability of funds.

The Admission and Financial Aid teams have designed a Guide to Scholarships and Financial Aid to help prospective students and families get to the bottom line and find that The College of Saint Rose is one of the lowest of any private college in the Northeast--while maintaining powerful academic opportunities.

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