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CJS 498 Senior Seminar: Law

This seminar is open to Junior (with permission of the professor) and Senior Criminal Justice majors; 3+3 students; and Junior (with permission of the professor) or Senior pre-law advisement students from any major. This course involves an in depth, nuanced discussion and understanding of the federal constitutional provisions involving in American criminal jurisprudence. Included is the investigation of the role of the judge, defense counsel and the prosecutor in the administration of American criminal justice. Significant reading and independent analysis are to be expected. The student will be asked to identify, explain and analyze fundamental principles such as the importance of innocence, the appropriate role of federalism and separation of powers doctrines to criminal jurisprudence, the meaning of the right to counsel and the limits of prosecutorial discretion. Much of the reading will involve original source material such as U.S. Supreme Court and state and federal appellate court decisions. The writing requirement is case briefs. The course fulfills the writing-intensive requirement of the major. Open to CJS majors only. FPY majors may take this course with instructors permission. Fall


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