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2019-2021 Undergraduate Catalog
> SPA - Spanish
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ACC - Accounting
AHI - Art History
ANT - Anthropology
ARA - Arabic
ART - Art
BIO - Biology
BLE - Bi-Lingual Education
BUS - Business
CEP - College Experience Program
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CIN - Community Involvement
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CSD - Communication Sciences and Disorders
ECE - Early Childhood Education
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ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Technology
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FPY - Forensic Psychology
FRE - French
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HIS - History
IEC - Inclusive Early Childhood Ed
IEC - Inclusive Early Childhood Ed
ITA - Italian
MAT - Mathematics
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NSG - Nursing
PBH - Public Health
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PHI - Philosophy
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POR - Portuguese
POS - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RLS - Religious Studies
RTC - Military Leadership - ROTC
RUS - Russian
SCI - Science
SEC - Secondary Education
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SEE - Spec Educ Elem Educ
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SLG - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
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SPA - Spanish
SPA 101 Identity and Culture
SPA 102 Culture in Action
SPA 120 Spanish for Health Sciences
SPA 199 Game On!
SPA 201 Game On!
SPA 203 Memory and Culture
SPA 204 Discovery and Culture
SPA 207 Conversation & Culture
SPA 216 Spanish Conversation
SPA 300 Spanish Written Expression
SPA 301 Reading for Comprehension
SPA 302 Spanish: Heritage Spkrs
SPA 304 Advanced Business Spanish
SPA 305 Survey Span Lit 1
SPA 306 Survey Spanish Literature 2
SPA 307 Surv Spa-Amer Lit
SPA 309 Hispanic Culture in US
SPA 313 Span & L A Poetry
SPA 315 Modern Spanish Theater
SPA 325 Advanced Conversation
SPA 326 Transl. & Comm Interpreting
SPA 335 Generation of '98
SPA 345 Latin American Film
SPA 350 Spanish Elective:Study Abroad
SPA 365 History of Spanish Language
SPA 366 Cult & Civiliz Span Spkg Amer
SPA 368 Cult & Civil of Spain
SPA 370 Experiential Spanish
SPA 375 Phonetics & Phonology
SPA 380 Topics
SPA 381 Portfolio 1: Current Issues
SPA 382 Short Story
SPA 385 For Lang Research Methodology
SPA 400 Contemp Latin American Novel
SPA 401 Golden Age
SPA 403 Seminar
SPA 411 Contemporary Spanish Novel
SPA 414 Applied Linguistics
SPA 425 Technology in Translation
SPA 430 Dialects of Spanish
SPA 455 Socio/Psycho linguistics
SPA 480 Reflections Workshop
SPA 481 Portfolio 2: Lit & Film Analys
SPA 482 Portfolio 3: Reg/Socioling Var
SPA 494 Internship
SPA 495 Internat'l Independ Study Prog
SPA 497 Spanish Portfolio
SPA 499 Independent Study