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2019-2021 Undergraduate Catalog
> SWK - Social Work
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SWK - Social Work
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SWK - Social Work
SWK 113 State of Welfare Services
SWK 114 Intro to SWK:Self-Awar & Soc R
SWK 212 Societies/Social Welfare
SWK 213 Soc Chg & Soc Ser
SWK 215 Hum Behv Soc Envi
SWK 254 Child Abuse & Maltreatmnt
SWK 255 Interpersonal Violence
SWK 280 Topics:Human Beh.
SWK 315 Human Behav Soc Env 2
SWK 322 Community Practice
SWK 363 Alcohol,Subst Abuse,Dep&Trmt
SWK 370 International Social Work
SWK 375 Diversity Workshop
SWK 364 Substance Abuse
SWK 378 Pre-Field Experience
SWK 379 Soc Wrk Pract III
SWK 380 International Socil Work 2
SWK 451 Social Work Research Methods
SWK 452 Family Dynamics
SWK 480 Field Practicum
SWK 481 SWK Pract w/Indiv & Families
SWK 482 Field Practicum continued
SWK 483 SWK Practice w/Groups
SWK 484 Expansion of Field Practicum
SWK 489 Understand Policy
SWK 490 Directed Readings Program
SWK 492 Psychopathology
SWK 499 Independent Study