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SED 550 Dev Asses Young Child

This course addresses assessment practices for young children (Birth-Grade 2) in the physical, social-emotional, cognitive, communication, adaptive (self-help) domains. The emphasis is placed on using systematic observation, documentation and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches, including norm-referenced, criterion-referenced and curriculum-based assessment as a means of making decisions about infants and young children’s development and learning and monitoring progress of children with exceptionalities. Information is linked to Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP’s ), Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and the role of the family in the assessment process. A 5-hour field experience is required. Prerequisites or co-requisites: EPY 545, SED 501 (for ECE majors), SED 512 (for Special Education Birth-Grade 2 majors). Fingerprint clearance required. Fall.
