POS 111 Introduction to US Politics
SUMMER IMMERSION MAY 2010Introduction to United States Government is an intense, three-week course designed to introduce students to the processes and institutions of government, as well as to pique interest about current political events.The course will be taught with an innovative, online structure, which encourages students to explore debates beyond the textbook. (L10) (3 credits)SUMMER IMMERSION AUGUST 2010Introduction to United States Government is an intense, three-week course designed to introduce students to the processes and institutions of government, as well as to pique interest about current political events.The course will be taught with an innovative, online structure, which encourages students to explore debates beyond the textbook. (L10) (3 credits) FALL 2010This course offers an institutional, historical, and theoretical survey of United States politics with a consideration of contemporary policy issues, the distribution of power in the United States, and the relationship between politics and economics. (US) Fall, Spring (L10). (3 credits)