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SED 340 C&I:Inten Sup Needs Inf/Tod

This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with methods and strategies, including assistive and augmentative technology, for assessing and teaching young children with disabilities (Birth-Grade 2) in home, school and community settings. Emphasis is placed on teachers working within a family-centered transdisciplinary team of service providers. Physical, communication, social-emotional, cognitive, and adaptive (self-help) domains of development and inclusive interventions will be addressed. Prerequisites for Inclusive Early Childhood Majors: IEC 230, IEC 146, EPY 245, CSD 235, IEC 231. IEC 253, EPY 350, Co-requisite: SED 366. Prerequisites for Early Childhood Special Education Majors: SED 146, EPY 245, CSD 235, and SEE 350. 21 supervised field experience hours are required for this course. Students must obtain fingerprint clearance prior to beginning field experience.
