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CSD 235 Lang & Literacy Dev/Disorders

This course will address the continuum of typical and atypical language and literacy development of children birth to age five. Appropriate expectations for speech and language development, which include phonological, semantic, syntactic, morphemic, and pragmatic knowledge will be addressed. Developmental disorders that impact language and literacy will be presented. Augmentative and alternative communications (AAC) systems will be discussed. Stages of foundational literacy skills for young children including print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing will be discussed. Language and literacy development will be examined for monolingual and multilingual learners. Emphasis will focus on how early childhood and childhood professionals can create learning environments that foster language and literacy learning in accordance with state and national guidelines and standards. Required for SED, IEC and ECE majors. Prerequisites: EPY 245 or EPY 244 and SED 146 or IEC 146. Fall, Spring. (1 spring section identified for IEC majors).
