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Resumption of Study

Graduate students must apply to resume study when:

  • They are in good academic standing but, officially withdrew from their program or it has been two years since they completed a course at the College.
  • They have wish to return to the College after academic or conduct dismissal.

All students must complete a Graduate Resumption of Study form which is available on the Registrar's Office webpage.

All students interested in resuming study must meet with the Graduate Coordinator or Department Chair of their program. Students who wish to resume study after academic dismissal must provide evidence of probable success to be considered for resumption of study. The College reserves the right not to readmit students who have been dismissed for academic reasons. Students who wish to resume study after conduct dismissal must also meet with the Associate Vice President for Student Development.

Students must submit the completed form, with signatures, to the Registrar's Office for processing. An email will be sent to the student's Saint Rose email address with information about registration.

Students who would like to enter a new program, different than the one they were dismissed from, must follow the admissions procedures for the new program. The program that dismissed the student will be consulted as part of the admissions process.

If approved, students will resume their studies under the catalog in effect at the time of resumption. All courses to be counted toward the degree or advanced certificate must be completed within six years.


Students who perform uniformed services in the Armed Forces for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty are eligible for withdrawal status and to be readmitted to the College with the same academic status at the point of the departure.

  • Students are required to give official notice to the Veteran Certification Official in the Registrar’s Office.
  • The cumulative length of absences from the institution by reason of service cannot exceed five years.
  • Notice of intent to return must be provided not later than three years after the completion of the period of service.
  • Students need to give notice of their return using the College Resumption of Study form and process, by the applicable time limit.

For further details and FAQ of this Higher Education policy please visit the U.S. Department of Education website: You can also contact the certifying official in the Registrar’s Office or the Veteran’s Office on campus: