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LRC 546 Diagnosis & Remed Lit Prob

The International Reading Association's Standards for reading professionals (2010) requires that teachers be skilled at identifying a student's reading difficulty and at planning means of helping the student overcome such a difficulty, maintaining effective communication with key parties as needed. NYSED (2014) requires a similar set of competencies (Competency 0002, p. 065-3; 065-5). Focus of this course is on acquainting the graduate student with processes and practices involved in identifying and addressing literacy difficulties as well as in communicating the results of assessment and intervention. The course provides direct assessment and tutorial experience with an individual who may qualify for early intervention, compensatory or special education services. It prepares candidates for clinical practicum experiences and addresses topics including the nature of difficulties in literacy; evaluation, selection and administration of diagnostic tools; analysis and interpretation of results; design/selection and application of appropriate materials and methods for correcting literacy problems; evaluation of intervention and determining intervention outcomes; communicating results to a variety of audiences.
