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EDU 556 Developmental Professional Portfolio

 The Portfolio affords the candidate the opportunity to demonstrate that she or he has met National Standards for Teacher Education. The portfolio is aligned with standards from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and National Board for Professional Teaching Core Propositions. The portfolio will be built over the course of the Curriculum and Instruction program in the Content and Pedagogy Core course work: EDU 503, EDU 540, EDU 550, and one School and Society elective course. In the Global and Comparative Education program, the portfolio will be built over the course of the entire program. Each candidate will be responsible for demonstrating that standards have been met through assignments and field experiences. All candidates in the C&I program and candidates in the Global and Comparative Education program seeking professional certification are required to complete field work with pupils in four areas of diversity: linguistic diversity, socio-economic diversity, cultural diversity, and students with special needs. Candidates should register for this course during the semester in which they plan to complete the Portfolio, usually in the last semester of coursework. Students must obtain fingerprint clearance prior to beginning field experiences. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: EDU 501. Open to Saint Rose students only. Fall, Spring, Summer.
