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CSC 380 Topics

"The Threat Within" - A new operating reality is confronting public and private sector organizations and institutions of all shapes and sizes everywhere: the threat from within that is able to exploit and expose an organization's greatest competitive edge - the "secret sauce." Initially many experts thought of the insider threat challenge as a technical problem to solve. However, if there is anything that one of the largest and most damaging data breaches in U.S. Government history -"Edward Snowden" has taught us, it is that this challenge is simply not one dimensional. Insider threats can surface at the strategic, operational and tactical layers of an organization, and therefore, the solution needs to be comprehensive, logical, and balanced. In this course, students from a variety of disciplines will become "cyberinterns" and work in teams with faculty and industry experts as mentors using an online/cloud communication platform known as iQ4. The goal of the course is to enable students to analyze realistic case scenarios and identify the depth and breadth of the cybersecurity challenge from multiple perspectives. Students will focus on the interrelated dimensions of the threat (which may include but are not limited to technical, procedural, legal, behavioral, skills/proficiencies) and the spectrum of constituent cyber domains/functional areas in which to identify solutions.
