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CSL 591 Internship:Sch Couns I

This 300-hour structured internship will give students hands on experience doing professional counseling in a school-based setting under the supervision of a cooperating, experienced professional school counselor and faculty liaison. Students will achieve growth towards becoming ethical and competent professionals with a focus on reducing barriers to student achievement, culturally competent individual and group counseling, classroom interventions designed to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students, and a focus on performing the services of a professional school counselor as leaders and change advocates in the schools. A return to campus for weekly supervision in seminar is a requirement of this course. Three hundred hours of experience are required for three credits, with at least 120 of these being direct contact hours. Permission of advisor is required. Pre-requisites: CSL 508, CSL 532, CSL 553, successfully passing the Qualifying examination. (Fall)
