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School Counseling - MSED

Program Overview:

The School Counseling program is intended to prepare professionals for the demanding task of meeting needs of children and adolescents in K-12 school settings. Competencies in working with students, parents, teachers and administrators are developed through a combination of course work in theory, application, and the internships in school counseling. Competence in school counseling is gained through course work in comprehensive developmental guidance programs, child and adolescent development and psychology, theory-based and specialized interventions with a focus on advocacy and social justice, and counseling skills to meet the unique needs of students and help close the opportunity gaps. The field placements in school counseling allow students to take knowledge gained from course work and apply it to practical situations in a school setting. This is done under the cooperative supervision of a New York State-certified school counselor and a faculty liaison. Internships are completed at both the K-8 and 9-12 levels consistent with NYS certification guidelines.


The School Counseling program is intended to prepare professionals for the demanding task of meeting needs of children and adolescents in K-12 school settings. Competencies in working with students, parents, teachers and administrators are developed through a combination of course work in theory, application, and the internships in school counseling. Competence in school counseling is gained through course work in comprehensive developmental guidance programs, child and adolescent development and psychology, theory-based and specialized interventions with a focus on advocacy and social justice, and counseling skills to meet the unique needs of students and help close the opportunity gaps. The field placements in school counseling allow students to take knowledge gained from course work and apply it to practical situations in a school setting. This is done under the cooperative supervision of a New York State-certified school counselor and a faculty liaison. There are no electives in this concentration, which allows course work to be focused within the concentration.

Program Contacts:

Program Requirements:

CSL 500Counseling Theory and Practice


CSL 505Research in Counseling


CSL 528Clinical Counsel Skills


CSL 529Tests, Measuremnt, Appraisal


CSL 530Life-Span Developmnt Issues


CSL 540Soc & Cult Foundations in CSL


CSL 553Group Counseling & Dynamics


CSL 554Career Development



CSL 999Qualifying Exam


CSL 599Thesis

3 or 6


CSL 584Qualifying Exam Workshop


EDU 602Violence Prevention


EDU 603Child Abuse Prevention


EDU 611Dignity For All Students


EPY 637Substance Abuse Workshop


CSL 504Orgzn&Collabn in Sch Csl Prog


CSL 506Cnsl for College&Career Read


CSL 508Practicum in Sch. Csl.


CSL 510Prof Orient & Eth Prct SchCsl


CSL 511Counslng Child/Adoles in Schls


CSL 532Sch Counselor - Educ Advocate


CSL 591Internship:Sch Couns I


CSL 592Internship:Sch Couns II


CSL 515Tech & Emerg Trends in Sch Csl


SED 501Intro to Ind w/Dis/Ed Settings


Electives in Counseling, Educational Leadership or Educational Psychology


Internship/Field Experience/Service:

CSL 508Practicum in Sch. Csl.


CSL 591Internship:Sch Couns I


CSL 592Internship:Sch Couns II


Professional Accreditation:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

See Graduate Admissions section for more information.

The College of Saint Rose has long been committed to the premise that a quality education should be within the reach of qualified students. To this end, the College serves its student body through a comprehensive program of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. While the basic responsibility for financing education lies with the students and their families, scholarships, loans, and/or assistantships can supplement insufficient family resources. The amount of aid available through the College is limited and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. All financial assistance from the College is subject to adjustment if the recipients are later granted aid from other sources. Financial aid awards are contingent upon students’ maintaining good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress.

Additional School Counseling Admission Information:

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