Career Center
The Career Center assists students and alumni throughout the career development process. Our staff provides advisement, resources and programs on major and career exploration, part-time jobs and internships, resumes and cover letters, interviewing, networking and job search strategies, graduate school and post-graduation employment. Services and resources include individual appointments, a career management system, employer recruitment, job and internship postings, networking opportunities and programs, print and online career resources, as well as a variety of career-related programs and events.
We strongly encourage all students to login to HireStRose, our online career management system, to access:
- Jobs and Internships: full-time, part-time, on-campus, off-campus, internships, volunteer, caregiving, tutoring, Saint Rose work-study, and graduate assistantship positions
- Events: Past events include Career Carnival, Career Development Month, Career Roundtables, Education Expo, Etiquette Dinner, Graduate School Workshops, LinkedIn Headshots, Resume Review Week, plus more. Always check HireStrose for upcoming events!
- Recruiting: employers interested in connecting with Saint Rose students and alumni via Information Sessions, Resume Collections, and Interviewing Opportunities
- Resource Library: Career Center Handbook, Business Review Portal, eBook Collection, Vault, What Can I Do With This Major, plus more
- Outcomes: employment, internship, and continuing education information for Saint Rose alumni
It is never too early or too late to explore career interests and options, gain experience through employment and/or internship opportunities, develop a network or begin the job search. Students should stop by the Career Center, (Saint Joseph Hall, Second Floor), call (518) 454-5141, or refer to the Career Center’s website at