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Organizational Leadership and Change Management - ADV CERT

Program Overview:

Program Contacts:

Program Requirements:

MBA 583Leardership & Organiz Chng


MBA 584Managemnt:Skills-based Approac


MBA 585Manage Effective Teams


MBA 594Corporate Govern & Trusts


MBA 595Managing Organiz Devel & Chng


Applicants with an undergraduate degree in business may begin taking certificate courses immediately upon acceptance into the program. Applicants without a business degree or coursework in management communications and organization behavior may be required to take MBA 516 (Management Communications & Social Responsibility) and MBA 517 (Organizational Behavior) before registering for certificate courses.

Culminating Academic Experiences:

MBA 595Managing Organiz Devel & Chng


Professional Accreditation:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

See Graduate Admissions section for more information.

The College of Saint Rose has long been committed to the premise that a quality education should be within the reach of qualified students. To this end, the College serves its student body through a comprehensive program of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. While the basic responsibility for financing education lies with the students and their families, scholarships, loans, and/or assistantships can supplement insufficient family resources. The amount of aid available through the College is limited and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. All financial assistance from the College is subject to adjustment if the recipients are later granted aid from other sources. Financial aid awards are contingent upon students’ maintaining good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress.

Additional OLCM Admission Information:

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