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Business Administration with Albany Law School - MBA

Program Overview:

The joint law/business program is offered by the Albany Law School of Union University (ALS) and The College of Saint Rose in order to provide students of both institutions with a rich educational experience and a broad range of professional opportunities. The program is designed to promote integration between the fields of law and business administration by facilitating the transfer of course credits between the J.D. and M.B.A. curricula. Due to the complementary nature of these fields, certain law courses are readily applicable to the M.B.A. degree and, likewise, certain M.B.A. courses satisfy requirements of the J.D. This allows the student enrolled in the J.D./M.B.A. program to complete both degrees in, at most, four years of full-time study and, at the same time, to benefit from courses in another discipline. Each applicant must first satisfy the admission requirements of Albany Law School. The student will usually spend the first year of study at Albany Law School. During that first year, the student should prepare a plan with both schools for completion of all requirements. Decisions regarding the various scheduling options must be made in collaboration with the student’s academic advisor at each school.

J.D. Curriculum of the J.D./M.B.A. Program

The following are required courses in the first year: torts, introduction to civil procedure, criminal law, contracts, property, legal research and writing, constitutional law and one elective. The only required course in the second and third years is a course in professional responsibility. Each student’s choices of second- and third-year electives are guided by faculty and administration advisors. Albany Law School requires 87 hours for graduation. The student must satisfy the New York Court of Appeals-mandated resident requirement of six semesters of full-time study with a majority of credits in day courses. However, in the joint degree program, students can satisfy the residency requirement by taking the equivalent of five semesters of residence at Albany Law School and the remaining semester at The College of Saint Rose. Since 12 Saint Rose credits can be applied to the J.D. degree, the student must complete a net of 75 credits at Albany Law School. Students should consult with Albany Law School for any revisions to these requirements.

M.B.A. Curriculum of the J.D./M.B.A. Program

Students in the M.B.A. program at Saint Rose complete a group of nine required courses (27 graduate credits) and three elective courses (9 graduate credits). Since 9 Albany Law School credits can be applied to the M.B.A. degree, the student must complete a net of 27 credits at Saint Rose. Up to 9 credit hours may be waived for students who have completed the appropriate undergraduate or graduate courses with grades of “B” or better at an accredited institution within three years before admission. A waiver examination may be required. These decisions are made by the admissions committee after reviewing all of the student’s transcripts and credentials. For any approved waiver, a business course must be taken in its place. A minimum of 24 graduate credits must be taken in residence. Under no circumstances may the combination of transferred and waived courses exceed 12 credits.

Program Contacts:

Dr. John Dion

Graduate Coordinator of the MBA Program


Program Webpage:

Business Administration J.D./M.B.A.

Program Requirements:

Academic Requirements

Prerequisite Courses (6 Credits)

Prerequisite courses may be waived depending upon prior undergraduate course work.

MBA 511Financial Accounting


MBA 508Decision-Making Methods


MBA 509Statistics for Bus Analysis


Computer competency

Computer competency: (word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software)

Courses (27 Credits)

MBA 517Org. Beh & Mgmt.


ACC 522Budgeting & Cost Analysis


MBA 555Managerial Economics


MBA 582Human Resource Management


MBA 635Marketing Management


MBA 640Managerial Finance


MBA 660Prod & Qual Mngmt


MBA 690Strategic Management


MBA XXXElective Course


Schematic of Program Credit Requirements (J.D./M.B.A.)


75 required credits

12 elective credits (transferable from Saint Rose)


27 required credits

9 elective credits (transferable from Albany Law)

Total Individual Graduate Credit Requirements

Net Joint J.D./M.B.A. Program Credit Requirements







(Excluding any prerequisites)



Culminating Academic Experiences:

Required Course

MBA 690Strategic Management


Professional Accreditation:

The College of Saint Rose, sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province, is chartered by the Board of Regents of New York State. All of its degrees and programs are registered and its professional programs are fully approved by the Board of Regents through the New York State Education Department.

The College of Saint Rose is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (267-284-5000). The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

This program is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), a specialized accrediting agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

General Admission Information

Eligibility for admission to The College of Saint Rose graduate programs is typically based upon the following minimum requirements:

  1. Submission of a completed application, a resume, and Statement of Purpose of approximately 300 words detailing the applicant’s goals for graduate study.
  2. Evidence of the possession of a U.S.  baccalaureate degree or equivalent from an accredited institution through submission of official transcripts from all post-secondary education.
  3. Academic and professional qualifications for graduate study, as indicated by two letters of recommendation. The Communication Sciences & Disorders and School Psychology programs requirethree letters of recommendation.
  4. A grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale), overall and in the undergraduate major.
  5. Other admission criteria specified by academic programs such as submission writing samples, portfolios, test scores, and participation in interviews or admissions workshops.

Applicants to The College of Saint Rose are responsible for completing their applications by submitting all required components. Prospective students can access the online application and application instructions at

See Graduate Admissions section for more information.

Financial Aid

The College of Saint Rose has long been committed to the premise that a quality education should be within the reach of qualified students. To this end, the College serves its student body through a comprehensive program of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. While the basic responsibility for financing education lies with the students and their families, scholarships, loans, and/or assistantships can supplement insufficient family resources. The amount of aid available through the College is limited and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. All financial assistance from the College is subject to adjustment if the recipients are later granted aid from other sources. Financial aid awards are contingent upon students’ maintaining good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress.

See Financial Aid section for more information.

Additional J.D. Admission Information:

How to Become Part of the J.D./M.B.A. Program

The J.D./M.B.A. is a program in which students share the aspiration and drive to achieve high levels of responsibility. No prior course work in business or management is necessary for admission. Application to the Saint Rose J.D./M.B.A. program is invited from any individual who has satisfied the admission requirements of Albany Law School. Admission to the Saint Rose M.B.A. program should be made after acceptance to Albany Law School. Each J.D./M.B.A. candidate is responsible for submitting the following elements of the application package to the Graduate and Continuing Education Admissions office at The College of Saint Rose:

  • A completed application form with the required application fee;
  • A sealed transcript from Albany Law School indicating acceptance to the J.D. program;
  • A transcript from the degree-granting undergraduate school;
  • A personal essay; and
  • A current resume.
  1. Each student must be competent in word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software.
  2. The student will not be eligible to take the New York State Bar Examination until the J.D. degree is awarded. This factor will be significant in the planning of each program. The J.D. degree will not be awarded until all M.B.A. requirements are met . Likewise, the M.B.A. will not be awarded until all J.D. requirements are met.
  3. All transfers of credit are subject to the approval of the program advisor(s) and must follow curriculum guidelines. If the student fails to complete the requirements of the joint degree program, then the student must meet the full requirements of the degree s/he chooses to pursue. If a student does not complete the joint degree, the courses from the M.B.A. program will not satisfy requirements for the J.D. program.

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