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ART 475 Methods of Teaching Art

This course provides students with practical approaches to implementing the Learning Standards for the Visual Arts in a K-8 setting. Students will acquire the basic techniques of lesson planning and classroom management specific to the art classroom. Long-range curriculum planning will begin with a pre-assessment and end with a post-assessment of selected skills and concepts. Lesson plans that address the same skills and concepts through a variety of artworks and media will include embedded assessment; exhibit continuity and sequence; and utilize a blend of directive, critical inquiry and discovery-based methods of instruction. Learning activities must reflect differentiated instruction, be sensitive to a variety of learners' needs, and integrate development of Academic Language as used in the visual arts. Students will be expected to independently research ideas and content for art lessons, explore a variety of art techniques and procedures, and construct quality learning support materials for their lessons. Students will self- and peer-evaluate (including short videos) teaching performance to develop strategies for improvement in classroom management and instructional delivery. Exit requirements include a professional teaching portfolio, analysis of post-test results, and a final self-assessment. Prerequisites: ART 275, ART 374, and ART 375; if students have not yet completed EPY 350, students must take EPY 350 prior to or during the same semester as ART 475. Students must also sign up for co-requisite lab, ART 476. Before being approved to take ART 475 and ART 476, students must have a 3.0 overall and within the major. Materials Fee. Fall, Spring
