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Study Abroad Experiences

Students who are interested in studying abroad can choose from a variety of experiences: Faculty Led Programs, Semester/Year Long Study, and Summer Sessions. Please refer to the Center for International Programs website for a list of all study abroad opportunities offered in upcoming semesters.

Semester abroad (fall or spring)

Semester abroad programs run an entire semester (3-4 months) and are offered through direct affiliates – overseas institutions and third party providers. Students take a minimum of 12 credit hours when on a semester program, and they also have the option of (1) adding a service learning component to their study abroad or (2) enrolling in a for-credit internship. Follow the program links to view all offerings.

Summer abroad (4-8 weeks)

Summer abroad programs are for students who want a shorter term experience and fewer credit hours abroad. Students on summer programs typically take 3-9 hours of credit. These students may also add a service learning component to their study abroad. Summer programs are offered through direct affiliates – see the links to view all offerings.

Short-term Faculty-Led Program (7-14 days)

A Faculty-Led Program (FLP) is a study abroad experience that is offered in conjunction with an academic class that is taught either fall or spring semester at The College of Saint Rose. The class meets on campus like any regular class, but it also has an additional 1-2 week travel component that typically occurs during a semester break. Students travel with the faculty member and other class members, so there is a high amount of small group interaction. Cost wise, students pay their regular semester costs, and for the class that has an FLP attached, they pay an additional travel cost, which ranges from $1,500 – $3,000.