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Requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree

The responsibility for meeting all degree requirements rests with the student. Academic advisement given by General Advisors and Faculty Advisors is intended to assist students in meeting this responsibility.

  1. Completion of a minimum of 120* credit hours with a minimum cumulative index of 2.0 and a minimum index of 2.0 in the major. The minimum number of credit hours, the minimum cumulative index, and the minimum major index may differ in some programs.
  2. Thirty (30) of the 120 credit hours required for the bachelor’s degree must be completed in residence.
  3. Fulfillment of all requirements stipulated in the major program.
  4. Fulfillment of The Saint Rose Core requirements.

  5. Diversity Requirement: Each student must successfully complete at least one three-credit from The Saint Rose Core, their major or an elective course designated to satisfy the diversity course requirement. 
  6. Writing Intensive Requirement: Each student must successfully complete at least two writing-intensive courses. The first shall be a Saint Rose Core-designated course that is also designated as writing-intensive. The second shall be a course designated as writing-intensive in the student's major. If there are limited options within the major, students can opt to fulfill the second writing-intensive course in any area of their choosing. At least one of the two courses must be completed at The College of Saint Rose.

*The exception would be for students in dual degree programs (i.e., combined bachelor’s/master’s programs) who meet the content requirements of both degrees within their dual degree curricula.