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Academic Opportunity Experience (AOE) Services

The AOE Program is designed to admit students to the College who demonstrate a high potential for success, yet are inadmissible under the College’s general admission criteria. Students who are accepted to the College through Academic Opportunity Experience receive the following supportive services:

     First-Year Launch

Entering AOE students are required to take part in a First-Year Launch during the summer prior to the start of fall semester classes. This experience is designed to orient students to campus life, initiate opportunities for academic skills-building through course work, and acquaint students with other support services including tutoring and counseling.

     Tutorial Services:

Tutoring is provided on a one-to-one or group basis, depending on the needs of individual students and as available. The cost is covered by AOE and continues throughout the students’ undergraduate experience.

     Academic Counseling Services:

Academic support counseling is provided on a biweekly basis. Students are assigned to a counselor during the Launch and they meet 1:1 for the entire first year of the program. Referrals are made for personal, career, and financial counseling to the appropriate campus offices.


Programs and Workshops:

Educational and Social programming is sponsored by AOE on a variety of topics to engage the cohort throughout the semester. Students admitted to the program are required to attend one AOE-sponsored workshop or program per semester during their first-year.