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Information Technology - MS **No new applications are being accepted**

Program Overview:

Program Contacts:

Program Requirements:

CSC 501Data Struct/Algorithm Analysis


CSC 502Computer Organization


CSC 503Database Theory & Design


CSC 504Data Communications


CSC 505User Interface Design


CSC 506Advanced Programming


CSC 507Software Engineering


CSC 538System Administration


CSC XXXComputer Science Elective


CSC XXXComputer Science Elective


CSC 593Master's Research Seminar


CSC 595Project-Based Internship


CSC 596Research Master's Project


CSC 597Master's Project


Culminating Academic Experiences:

  • A Master’s Research Seminar (CSC 593) will be arranged by a faculty member when it is determined that a sufficiently large group of students are interested in pursuing research in the faculty member’s area of expertise.
  • A Project-Based Internship (CSC 595) is an internship that includes a sufficiently large project, as determined in consultation among the student, the faculty internship coordinator, and the internship supervisor at the organization where the internship will be completed.
  • A Master’s Project (CSC 597) consists of a large-scale software development project, completed under direct supervision of a faculty member.  This project must represent a full three-credit course worth of work, and must demonstrate an understanding of the topic well beyond that covered in any course.
  • A Research Master’s Project (CSC 596) offers a student to pursue a more significant research project under faculty supervision.  This option is open only to students who have earned a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher.  The project could focus on a topic beyond those covered in an elective course or could pursue a research interest outside of elective offerings.  A Research Master’s Project culminates in a research paper suitable for submission for publication (though an actual submission or acceptance is not required) and a more substantial formal presentation.  One or more additional faculty members will serve as readers for the research paper, and their approval, in addition to that of the faculty advisor, is required for successful completion.  Students considering further graduate study at the Ph.D. level are especially encouraged to pursue the Research Master’s Project option.

Professional Accreditation:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

See Graduate Admissions section for more information.

The College of Saint Rose has long been committed to the premise that a quality education should be within the reach of qualified students. To this end, the College serves its student body through a comprehensive program of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. While the basic responsibility for financing education lies with the students and their families, scholarships, loans, and/or assistantships can supplement insufficient family resources. The amount of aid available through the College is limited and is awarded on the basis of academic merit. All financial assistance from the College is subject to adjustment if the recipients are later granted aid from other sources. Financial aid awards are contingent upon students’ maintaining good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress.

Additional Information Technology Admission Information:

CSC 202Introduction to Programming



CSC 522Object-Oriented Programming


CSC 321Database Management Systems



CSC 520Introduction to Database


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