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SOC 351 Intro to Social Research

The purpose of this course is to teach the rudiments of research design. Students will learn the nature, strengths, and weaknesses of scientific inquiry, the use of a variable language and how to operationalize concepts, the nature of the three research methods basic to sociological inquiry (experimentation, questionnaire design/survey research, field research), and procedures for analyzing, critically assessing, and conducting research. This course intends to learn in a small class setting under the guidance of an instructor who will act as a mentor. The student is expected to complete the course with a written research proposal that defines a problem or question, integrates a literature review of the subject, operationalizes key concepts, and develops a research design (including an instrument) for satisfactorily addressing the problem/question. Open to students in the social sciences. Prerequisite: SOC 288 and SOC 111 or Permission of Instructor. Offered as needed. 
