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CSD 105 Community Involvement Exp

This 1-credit course requires CSD students to engage in at least 8 hours of community involvement that can be obtained through one experience or by combining several experiences. These course can be obtained through one of the following: direct service to people in need; indirect service, such as organizing an event, or working in a food pantry; advocacy work, such as letter-writing or working for a change in some policy. At the completion of the hours, students will create a written document that describes the experience or experiences and how this service has impacted them. Students will specifically be asked what they learned about themselves, what they learned about their community and how this preclinical experience will support their preparation for clinical work. Students will be required to make reference to at least two outside sources that address service to others (e.g., an article from the Journal of Community Involvement and Scholarship). Opportunities to serve: The department has a file of local service opportunities that would be accessible to students. In addition, students will be made aware of the many service opportunities that exist within the department and the School of Education. Fall.
