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CJS 199 Criminal Justice Colloquium

Mandatory enrollment and attendance in this colloquium is required each semester for all criminal justice majors (full or part-time) and members of Alpha Phi Sigma (National Criminal Justice Honor Society). The purpose of this course is to provide 3 to 4 scheduled meeting times, during each semester, between department faculty, guest speakers and students to discuss the criminal justice program and related matters such as course offerings, academic advisement, career opportunities, internships, and further educational opportunities in the field of criminal justice and related fields. In addition to scheduled meeting times students will also have access to the canvas to stay connected to fellow students and faculty and to access additional information concerning careers, internships, jobs and other opportunities. As part of the colloquium majors may, but are not required to, participate in the Saint Rose Criminal Justice Association.This is a zero credit/pass-fail course that involves no assignments or readings. Students will be graded on their attendance. Fall, Spring
