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2020-2022 Graduate Catalog
CSC - Computer Science
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ACC - Accounting
BDA - Business Data Analytics
BLE - Bi-Lingual Education
CSC - Computer Science
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ECE - Early Childhood Education
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EPY - Educational Psychology
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SPY - School Psychology
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CSC - Computer Science
CSC 501 Data Struct/Algorithm Analysis
CSC 502 Computer Organization
CSC 503 Database Theory & Design
CSC 504 Data Communications
CSC 505 User Interface Design
CSC 506 Advanced Programming
CSC 507 Software Engineering
CSC 509 Algorithms
CSC 510 Probability in Comp Science
CSC 513 Bioinformatics
CSC 515 Internet Programming 1
CSC 516 Internet Programming 2
CSC 518 Applications for Cybersecurity
CSC 520 Introduction to Database
CSC 522 Object-Oriented Programming
CSC 530 Advanced Database
CSC 531 Java Frameworks
CSC 535 Artificial Intelligence
CSC 538 System Administration
CSC 541 Networking
CSC 542 Theory of Computation
CSC 552 Adv Python Programming
CSC 561 Parallel & High Perf Computing
CSC 562 Cybersecurity & Cryptography
CSC 563 Operating Systems
CSC 564 Programming Languages
CSC 566 Android Development
CSC 567 Social Networks
CSC 568 Cloud Cmptg & Virtual Tech
CSC 569 Advanced Databases
CSC 571 Big Data Programming
CSC 572 Machine Learning
CSC 574 Deep Learning with Python
CSC 575 App Development
CSC 591 Internship
CSC 593 Master's Research Seminar
CSC 594 Internship
CSC 595 Project-Based Internship
CSC 596 Research Master's Project
CSC 597 Master's Project
CSC 598 Independent Study