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CSL 589 Seminar & Ethics in CSL 1

This course integrates application of theory and counseling skills and techniques with course work in professional, ethical, and legal issues in counseling. Students are required to take this course concurrently with their first semester of internship experience. Students are required to have a diverse caseload in terms of age, gender, race, and to have group facilitation experience at their internship sites. Students receive feedback on their tapes and/or process recordings, skills, and interventions through case presentations in class and the practicum instructor. In addition, students are expected to develop theory-based case conceptualizations and maintain relevant documentation for their site caseload (case evaluation studies, treatment plans, case notes, and termination reports). Co-requisite: CSL 591 or CSL 593; Prerequisites: CSL 500; CSL 528; CSL 530; CSL 553; two courses from appropriate concentration (for school counseling students these courses must be CSL 510 and CSL 532; for mental health counseling students this must include CSL 585); at least 24 credit hours of completed work; required workshops; candidacy; and permission of advisor. Fall.
