Graduate Grading System
Graduate students at The College of Saint Rose must use Standard English. They must also organize and express ideas clearly with sensitivity both to the audience and to the specific requirements of the task.
GRADE A = 4.0
Subject Matter
Superior mastery of the subject matter marked by a high level of independence and depth in research
Insight & Understanding
An exceptional command of interrelationships within the subject and depth in approaching problems
High level of fluency in oral and written expression. Ease and accuracy in using all writing conventions
GRADE A- = 3.75
Subject Matter
Excellent mastery of the subject of the material and in oral and written matter marked by depth in approaching expression. Ease and relative independence and depth in research
Insight & Understanding
Excellent command of the subject of the material and depth in approaching problems
High level of fluency in oral and written expression. Ease and accuracy in using all writing conventions
GRADE B+ = 3.5
Subject Matter
Clear mastery of the subject matter and demonstration of independence and depth in approaching assignments
Insight & Understanding
Command of the material and depth in approaching problems
Fluency in oral and written expression. Correct use of all writing conventions
GRADE B = 3.0
Subject Matter
Acceptable knowledge of the subject matter and ability to plan and complete work with independence and depth
Insight & Understanding
Adequate command of the material and demonstration of the ability to engage in problem-solving
Clarity and correctness in oral and written expression. Adequate use of all writing conventions
GRADE C = 2.0
Subject Matter
Superficial knowledge of the subject matter
Insight & Understanding
Limited understanding of principles and limited ability to apply them
Some deficiency in oral and written expression. Inadequate use of writing conventions
Other Grades
P/Pass |
Equivalent to a grade of B or better |
F/Failure |
Unacceptable performance on an assignment/s or the course. No academic credit |
W |
Withdrawal |
X |
Audit |
I |
Incomplete |
R |
Repeated Course |
An Incomplete (I) grade, which is awarded only with the special permission of instructors and in consultation with students, becomes an F if it has not been completed within one month after the beginning of the following semester. Summers are not included. Incomplete grades carry a $80 fee.
When students repeat courses for the purpose of raising grades, the credits will be counted once in the total number of credits required for their degrees. The prior grades are replaced by Rs.
Students who register to audit courses may not subsequently request credit for those courses.