SEC 515 Curr & Instr in Secondary Sch
Teacher candidates will develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions for planning curriculum and instruction for secondary education in order to meet the needs and interests of adolescents who are culturally diverse, who are English language learners, and who display the full range of abilities and dispositions. The study and use of literacy will provide candidates with a means to link the construction of knowledge with New York State standards across disciplines. Teacher candidates will engage in the development of goals and instructional objectives, IEPs, and lesson and unit plans aligned with state and national standards and assessments. Candidates will explore the integration of technology with instruction, as a teacher resource and as an instructional tool. Appropriate formal and informal assessment tools and methods will be included within the context of unit and lesson plans. Research-based instructional models, strategies, methods, and procedures such as service learning are introduced and linked to theoretical and factual knowledge of learning processes and human development. Assessment of learner progress, appropriate classroom accommodations and modifications for students with the full range of abilities, and the development of collaborative teaching partnerships are examined in course work and addressed in field experiences. A 20-hour field experience is required for the Adolescence Education program. A 30-hour field experience is required for the Adolescence Education Certification-Only program. Students must obtain fingerprint clearance prior to beginning field experiences. SEC 515 is a prerequisite to the required methods course. Suggested prerequisite or co-requisite: EPY 502. Fall, Spring. (3 credits)