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EDT 671 Combating Problem Behaviors

This course provides busy educators with practical, easy-to use strategies for preventing and responding to misbehavior in ways that will build respectful, responsible and cooperative classroom communities. This course is designed to deal directly with the issues surrounding problem behaviors in P-12 classrooms. Students will learn to establish caring, stimulating and safe communities for learning where democratic values are fostered, diversity is embraced, and P-12 pupils assume responsibility for learning. Students will explore instructional strategies to enhance teaching and learning for all their P-12 pupils, including those with special needs. The causes of misbehavior, classroom disruptions and oppositional behaviors that affect student learning will be explored. The first half of this course will focus on a proactive approach to combating problem behaviors in classrooms, using specific preventative strategies designed to motivate P-12 pupils to behave well because they care about their teachers and each other. In addition, students will learn practical ways to satisfy pupil needs that often lead to misbehavior and sacrifice instructional time. The second half of the course will focus on why pupils misbehave and how teachers can intervene quickly in ways that maintain their authority and the pupils? dignity. (3 credits)
