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Biology Adolescence Education/Special Education Generalist (7-12) - BA/MSED (ASPIRE Dual Degree Program)

Program Overview:

Program Contacts:

Dr. Susan DeLuke

Dr. Stephanie Maes

Dr. Jacqueline Smith

Program Webpage:

Program Requirements:

Admission into the College does not ensure good standing in the Adolescence Education/Special Education (ASPIRE) Program, nor does good standing in this program ensure admission to student teaching. In order to maintain good standing through all stages of the Adolescence Education/Special Education program, students are required to maintain the following academic standards: 3.0 index in the education major, 3.0 index in the academic major and 2.8 overall GPA. Education courses must meet the minimum grade of C+ or higher at the undergraduate level and B or higher at the graduate level to apply to the degree. An education major course cannot be repeated more than one time with no more than 3 total education courses repeated during the 5 years of program completion. An F in any graduate education course can result in dismissal from the ASPIRE program.  If a student falls below the 3.0 mark in their content major or education major, he or she must meet with the academic advisors in the academic major and School of Education to determine if continuation in the 5-year ASPIRE program is possible.

Students must apply for student teaching in accordance with program guidelines. This includes satisfactory completion of all major courses in their academic major and the education major with the exception of SED 590SIE 580, SIE 582, and SIE 584.  No additional courses beyond SED 590, SIE 580, SIE 582, and SIE 584 should be taken during the student teaching semester.

Students who are accepted into the combined, dual degree program do not receive a bachelor’s degree when undergraduate coursework is complete; rather, both the bachelor and master’s degrees are awarded when all graduate requirements are completed.

The program requirements are as follows:

Undergraduate Biology Coursework  (57)
Undergraduate Adolescence/Special Education Coursework  (26-27) 
College Liberal Education Requirements  (41)
Less Double-Dipped Credits  (-12)
  Undergraduate Subtotal  (112-113)        
Graduate Adolescence/Special Education Coursework  (39)
Total   (151-152)

Internship/Field Experiences/Service:

Candidates complete two seven week student teaching experiences, one at the grades 7-9 level and another at the grades 10-12 level. One placement is in special education, and the other in general education.

SIE 580On-Site Prof Exp Adol Educ


Culminating Academic Experiences:

The candidate will complete a Professional Portfolio to reflect growth as he or she progresses through the program, leading to initial teacher certification. Candidates are guided during each phase of the process beginning with early curriculum courses and culminating in the final capstone experience.

SED 590Res Seminar Sp Ed


SIE 584Portfolio in Adoles & Spec Ed


Professional Accreditation:

Admissions and Financial Aid Information:

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